"The Index class provides a data structure that allows fast processing of queries (e.g., select or update) by indexing columns of tables over their values. Given a certain value for a column, the index should efficiently locate all records having that value"
Milestone 1 Description
def init(self, table):
One index for each table. All our empty initially.
self.indices = [None] * table.num_columns
# returns the location of all records with the given value on column "column"
def locate(self, column, value):
# Returns the RIDs of all records with values in column "column" between "begin" and "end"
def locate_range(self, begin, end, column):
# Create index on specific column
def create_index(self, column_number):
# Drop index of specific column
def drop_index(self, column_number):
"The Index class provides a data structure that allows fast processing of queries (e.g., select or update) by indexing columns of tables over their values. Given a certain value for a column, the index should efficiently locate all records having that value"
def init(self, table):
One index for each table. All our empty initially.