GeorgeOnARM / WindowsCore

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When was Winodws Core OS first cited? #3

Open GeorgeOnARM opened 6 years ago

GeorgeOnARM commented 6 years ago

Windows Core OS refers to a DIVISION in Microsoft. Windows OneCORE refers to the One Windows OS to Rule ALL Andromeda OS sits on top of OneCore just like W10M. It is a reference OS for Microsoft OEM partners' Windows 10 devices in the future, as well as the codename for the OS inside Microsoft's Andromeda mobile device.


According to "Advanced Windows Debugging 2007" book Windows Core OS team member

First cited in 2016

But the division's top management remains unchanged under Jon DeVaan, as senior vice president for engineering strategy, who reports to Kevin Johnson, co-president of the platform and services division.

Microsoft has restructured its Windows Core Operating System Division into five teams in a move designed to better focus on PC hardware and provide a richer set of customer solutions.

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GeorgeOnARM commented 6 years ago

AndromedaOS is a new implementation of Windows 10 that sits on top of OneCore, my contacts say. This OS is both a reference OS for Microsoft OEM partners' Windows 10 devices in the future, as well as the codename for the OS inside Microsoft's Andromeda mobile device.

GeorgeOnARM commented 6 years ago

OneCore to rule them all: How Windows Everywhere finally happened