GeorgeSG / arc-cli

A command-line interface for the Arc Browser
MIT License
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Feature request: Additional Tab Behavior #3

Open okwichu opened 3 months ago

okwichu commented 3 months ago

Hi, I'm building some automation around arc-cli that requires a couple of features that I can't figure out how to get out of arc-cli. In summary, I want to find a way to extract a couple more dimensions from the list-tabs command:

Are either of these possible in Arc today (I wasn't able to find actual API docs from TBC)? I'd be happy to take a crack at them myself and submit a PR if it's not a trivial feature request to implement.

GeorgeSG commented 3 months ago

To be honest, I don't know if the things you're suggesting are possible. I'm not aware of any API docs, what's implemented here is mostly done by reverse engineering and guessing.

I'll definitely accept PRs if someone figures it out :)

CB-JasonArnold commented 3 months ago

The only "API docs" I'm aware of come from loading the dictionary in the script editor, which a colleague just showed me how to do today :). Thank you! You can resolve this issue at will, I appreciate the confirmation.