GeorgeSeif / Semantic-Segmentation-Suite

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Unable to run training on BiSeNet using pre-trained MobileNetV2 #156

Open anzisheng opened 5 years ago

anzisheng commented 5 years ago

When I run , I set the frontend is MobileNetV2, and download the mobilenet_v2.ckpt in models folder. But, the below code cannot read the weight from checkpoint. init_fn = slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn(model_path=os.path.join(pretrained_dir, 'mobilenet_v2.ckpt'), var_list=slim.get_model_variables('mobilenet_v2'), ignore_missing_vars=True)


WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/Conv/weights missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/Conv/BatchNorm/gamma missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/Conv/BatchNorm/beta missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/Conv/BatchNorm/moving_mean missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/Conv/BatchNorm/moving_variance missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/expanded_conv/depthwise/depthwise_weights missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/expanded_conv/depthwise/BatchNorm/gamma missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/expanded_conv/depthwise/BatchNorm/beta missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/expanded_conv/depthwise/BatchNorm/moving_mean missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/expanded_conv/depthwise/BatchNorm/moving_variance missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt WARNING:tensorflow:Variable mobilenet_v2/expanded_conv/project/weights missing in checkpoint models/mobilenet_v2.ckpt

Source code / logs

Include any logs or source code that would be helpful to diagnose the problem. If including tracebacks, please include the full traceback. Large logs and files should be attached. Try to provide a reproducible test case that is the bare minimum necessary to generate the problem.


Dreamgang commented 5 years ago

I have got the same problem!

anzisheng commented 5 years ago

I have resolved the problem: change the scope "mobilenet_v2" to "MobilenetV2"

Dreamgang commented 5 years ago

I have resolved the problem: change the scope "mobilenet_v2" to "MobilenetV2"


Dreamgang commented 5 years ago

I have resolved the problem: change the scope "mobilenet_v2" to "MobilenetV2" This problem has resolved,but I have got another problem Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [1,1,32,192] rhs shape= [1,1,48,288]

anzisheng commented 5 years ago

Hi, @Dreamgang
先加qq吧: 181888908. 是不是在 AttentionRefinementModule(end_points['pool4'], n_filters=512) 遇到了类似上面的问题?我在看代码决定如何调整。

orshi commented 5 years ago

@Dreamgang @anzisheng Meet the same issue.And have solved.There comes 2 issues:

1.AttentionRefinementModule(end_points['pool4'], n_filters=512), the n_filters value should be modified according to front end network ,but it's hard coded.

2.For BiSeNet ,the front end is build with MobileNetV2,but the project downloaded pre-trained model is for MobileNetV2_140,so you can either use "mobilenet_v2.mobilenet_v2_140" in front end or download the correct pre-trained model from google model zoo.

May help.

FredHaa commented 5 years ago

Can you tell how you changed the code to use "mobilenet_v2.mobilenet_v2_140"?

RobinHan24 commented 5 years ago

@Dreamgang @anzisheng Meet the same issue.And have solved.There comes 2 issues:

1.AttentionRefinementModule(end_points['pool4'], n_filters=512), the n_filters value should be modified according to front end network ,but it's hard coded.

2.For BiSeNet ,the front end is build with MobileNetV2,but the project downloaded pre-trained model is for MobileNetV2_140,so you can either use "mobilenet_v2.mobilenet_v2_140" in front end or download the correct pre-trained model from google model zoo.

May help.

So how to modify the n_filters? Thanks a lot.

qweawq commented 5 years ago

I have resolved the problem: change the scope "mobilenet_v2" to "MobilenetV2" Excuse me, which scope is the revision? Is the scope in Which var_list, frontend_scope, etc. need to be modified? Thank you for your help

qweawq commented 5 years ago

Hi, @Dreamgang 先加qq吧: 181888908. 是不是在 AttentionRefinementModule(end_points['pool4'], n_filters=512) 遇到了类似上面的问题?我在看代码决定如何调整。

Excuse me, which scope is the revision? Is the scope in Which var_list, frontend_scope, etc. need to be modified? Thank you for your help