GeoscienceAustralia / FSDF

FSDF - Foundation Base Spatial Data - Linked Data - High level models, information, etc
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FSDF core feature model #4

Open ibastrak opened 3 years ago

ibastrak commented 3 years ago


Hi Simon,


  1. A need to aggregate the network segments into a single object was briefly discussed yesterday. It was agreed to add an additional attribute to the tables representing networks (roads, pipelines, etc.) to capture a unique id for this aggregated feature. This requirements was already accounted for in the FSDF network model. A new table for the aggregated feature will be created. This table attributes are finalised at the moment and might slightly vary for different features. I'll update relevant excel spreadsheets on GitHub when available.

  2. I am going to verify some of the data content to ensure that the attributes in the ontologies you created (thanks for that) match the data. These potential changers may or may not affect the current ontology versions, e.g. licence information store a link to the document itself or an URI to it. I hope to have this meeting today-tomorrow.
