GeoscienceAustralia / HiQGA.jl

High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
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Discussion on capturing required functionalities within package #12

Closed NMoghaddam closed 2 years ago

NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

Following an early discussion with Yusen, I captured a few items as follows that it is better to be discussed in a meeting.

NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

A few open issues that can be referenced in our discussion are:

a2ray commented 2 years ago

Thanks @yusenley and @NMoghaddam for your feedback. In brief, I will respond here:

yusenley commented 2 years ago

Thanks Ananad, Its clear. Negin has helped me fork a branch so I will work with this.

NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

The links you provided are very helpful @a2ray. Thank you.

a2ray commented 2 years ago

No worries, another thing which maybe useful @NMoghaddam @yusenley ... the Julia methods function to help you discover where functions are ... for example

using HiQGA.transD_GP
# 2 methods for generic function "getchi2forall":
[1] getchi2forall(optn_in::HiQGA.transD_GP.OptionsNuisance; nchains, figsize, fsize, alpha, nxticks, gridon) in HiQGA.transD_GP.CommonToAll at /g/data/z67/ar0754/juliadev/HiQGA/src/CommonToAll.jl:263
[2] getchi2forall(opt_in::HiQGA.transD_GP.Options; nchains, figsize, fsize, alpha, nxticks, gridon, omittemp) in HiQGA.transD_GP.CommonToAll at /g/data/z67/ar0754/juliadev/HiQGA/src/CommonToAll.jl:306
NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

Cool @a2ray. I tried searching for the location of a couple of items as follows:

# 1 method for generic function "dfn2hdr":
[1] dfn2hdr(dfnfile::String) in HiQGA.transD_GP.CommonToAll at /g/data/z67/nfm547/package/HiQGA/src/CommonToAll.jl:1002
# 2 methods for generic function "read_survey_files":
[1] read_survey_files(; fname_dat, fname_specs_halt, frame_height, frame_dz, frame_dx, frame_dy, LM_Z, HM_Z, LM_σ, HM_σ, relerror, units, figsize, makesounding, dotillsounding, startfrom, skipevery, multnoise, X, Y, Z, fid, linenum) in HiQGA.transD_GP.SkyTEM1DInversion at /g/data/z67/nfm547/package/HiQGA/src/SkyTEM1DInversion.jl:248
[2] read_survey_files(dfnfile::String; fname_specs_halt, frame_height, frame_dz, frame_dx, frame_dy, LM_Z, HM_Z, LM_σ, HM_σ, X, Y, Z, fid, linenum, LM_drop, HM_drop, relerror, units, figsize, makesounding, dotillsounding, startfrom, skipevery, multnoise) in HiQGA.transD_GP.SkyTEM1DInversion at /g/data/z67/nfm547/package/HiQGA/src/SkyTEM1DInversion.jl:172