GeoscienceAustralia / HiQGA.jl

High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
MIT License
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TEMPEST amplitude inversion plots #28

Closed NMoghaddam closed 2 years ago

NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

The functions for handling the plotting vectorsum of B-field are now added to the Tempest1DInversion and ready for review. This will improve the flexibility of the code to handle user specification on having the vector sum or each component of B-field following running the inversion.

a2ray commented 2 years ago

Good work, but a few quick changes required should be fm = get_fm(... and should be d, σ = get_dSigma(... such that fm, d, σ can be used here: If you make these changes I can merge