GeoscienceAustralia / HiQGA.jl

High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
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Geometry as fixed values instead of column numbers for SkyTEM #7

Closed NMoghaddam closed 2 years ago

NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

For now, the fix is the following [dx dy dz] columns in Ross' convention for SkyTEM.

using DelimitedFiles
A = readdlm("L103004.XYZ")
B = [A [-13.32  0.0 2.0].*ones(size(A, 1))]
writedlm("new.txt", B)
NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

Note: if dx, dy, dz are not strings, but numbers, simply propagate these down all the way to the soundings structure ... If we specify the columns as nothing or " " , then the function shouldn't use those columns.

NMoghaddam commented 2 years ago

In order to address this issue, the following steps were taken.

Following further discussion, we decided to close the issue since It is likely that different scenarios and adding the above statements will potentially add more complexity to the original version of read_survey_files.