GeoscienceAustralia / Placenames-Ontology

Codes and other documentation for transformation, querying and managing the Place Names dataset in Linked Data format.
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Document alignment of PlaceNames ontology to ISO 19112 abstract model #27

Open dr-shorthair opened 4 years ago

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

ISO 19112 defines a standard model for 'geographic identifiers', such as place-names. The PlaceNames ontology is an implementation of a profile. The correspondence to the ISO 19112 model should be explained.


ibastrak commented 4 years ago

I'm not familiar with this one. Is this diagram for the 2019 version? Should we suggest it for adoption to IT004 if not adopted yet. I am thinking about connecting 'language' to it.

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

No - this is from the old 2003 version. I don't have a copy of 2019.

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

I found this diagram from 2nd edition here


AFAICT the only substantive changes are

Note that the management of the actual 'name' value depends on GeographicIdentifier , and in turn on the MD_Identifier from 19115-1


ibastrak commented 4 years ago

Interesting. Yes, having GeographicIdentifier in Location multiple times is very helpful. it also provides multiple options for locale

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

The approximate correspondence of ISO 19112 with the PlaceNames ontology is

iso:Location == pn:Place
iso:GeographicIdentifier == pn:PlaceName
iso:MD_Identifier ~ rdf:langString

though some of the other attributes of iso:MD_Identifier we would attach to `pn:Placename instead.

In the PlaceNames ontology the cardinality of hasPlaceName is unspecified. Which makes it [0..*]. That allows for multiple names, as shown in But also for no name. Are there places without names? Of course, but we probably aren't interested in them, at least not in the context of a gazetteer. So maybe that cardinality should be tweaked to [1..*].

ibastrak commented 4 years ago

There are many unnamed places which are still places of interests. They will be unique features in combination with location. Preps, we can ignore them for Gazetteer.

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

The key characteristics of pn:Place are

  1. its classification(s) (i.e. type)
  2. its name(s)

if it is missing either of those, then it probably is not a 'Place' in the context of a Gazetteer? It is just a Feature.