GeoscienceAustralia / anuga_core

AnuGA for the simulation of the shallow water equation
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testb anuga bedload transport operator #283

Open mikilterribile opened 5 days ago

mikilterribile commented 5 days ago

Hi everyone, I have developed an Exner-based operator for computing bedload transport and erosion/deposition. This operator seems to work well, but I would like to test it with a real case study. Where can I find data from real flooding events, including erosion/deposition measurements, as well as results from other models to compare with my own?

If my operator passes these tests, it could be integrated with the standard operators of ANUGA, enhancing the capabilities of the ANUGA library itself.

Thanks in advance for any kind of support, best regards, ing. Michele Zucchelli.

stoiver commented 3 days ago

@mikilterribile Good idea to collect some open source data.

I came across the following which might be useful (I'm having trouble getting access to the paper so can't guarantee its usefulness):

   Wren, D.G., Kuhnle, R.A., Langendoen E.J. & McAlpin, T.O. (2024). Sediment Transport and Bed Topography for Realistic Unsteady Flow Hydrographs of Varying Length in a Laboratory Flume. J. Hydraul. Eng. 150(4)

