However, this notebook as broken on the latest Sandbox image: when a user runs the cell to create the widget, they see a "Loading widget..." message but the widget does not load:
This works correctly on the current "default" Sandbox images.
To Reproduce
Run code on "Unstable" prod Sandbox server:
%matplotlib widget
import datacube
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dc = datacube.Datacube(app="Land_cover_pixel_drill")
def click_for_coords(event):
Define behaviour widget to enable extraction of x,y values for point
manually selected with mouse click on interactive plot.
For use with Matplotlib Imshow.
The x and y returned are the coordinate positions of the pixel in
the x and y axis, rather than latitude/longitude values of the point.
The coordinate positions of the pixel this is what you need later
to conduct a pixel drill.
Returns: ix, iy = position of selected pixel in the x and y
coordinates of the array.
global ix, iy
ix, iy = event.xdata, event.ydata
global coords
coords.append((ix, iy))
# Load DEA Land Cover data from the datacube
all_data = dc.load(
y=(-35.2064, -35.0064),
x=(149.3248, 149.5248),
time=("1988", "2020"),
resolution=(-25, 25)
# Create interactive plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = plt.imshow(
all_data.level3.sel(time="2020", method="nearest").squeeze(),
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", click_for_coords)
plt.title("Interactive Plot")
Expected behavior
Users can successfully run Matplotlib widgets using latest Sandbox image
Describe the bug The Land Cover Pixel drill notebook here uses Matplotlib widgets to allow users to click on the map and return Land cover pixel drill data:
However, this notebook as broken on the latest Sandbox image: when a user runs the cell to create the widget, they see a "Loading widget..." message but the widget does not load:
This works correctly on the current "default" Sandbox images.
To Reproduce Run code on "Unstable" prod Sandbox server:
Expected behavior Users can successfully run Matplotlib widgets using latest Sandbox image