GeoscienceAustralia / ga-worldwind-suite

A collection of tools created by the Geoscience Australia (GA) Movies and 3D Visualisation (M3DV) team. The tools are built around the NASA World Wind Java SDK, an open-source virtual globe toolkit.
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Can't use tga in skysphere layers #69

Open jfnavin opened 12 years ago

jfnavin commented 12 years ago

I can't use the original 4096x2048 TGA image in a skysphere, I had to convert it to a PNG to get it to work. The layer specification says that it should.

Here is the stacktrace that adding a layer that references a tga file produces:

10/03/2011 11:54:54 AM gov.nasa.worldwind.AbstractSceneController draw SEVERE: Exception while rendering layer java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Empty region! at javax.imageio.ImageReader.computeRegions(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) ...