GeoscienceAustralia / ga-worldwind-suite

A collection of tools created by the Geoscience Australia (GA) Movies and 3D Visualisation (M3DV) team. The tools are built around the NASA World Wind Java SDK, an open-source virtual globe toolkit.
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not able to use mapnik in tiler #89

Open bharatig opened 12 years ago

bharatig commented 12 years ago


I followed the process as in readme file but not able to run gui.bat file. then changed gdal files. Now I am able to use gdal functionality.but mapnik is not working when I browse map.xml file get message dialog

"Nik2Img.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Please guide.

Regards Bharti

ncaldwell commented 12 years ago

Do you have the .net framework installed? You need .net framework 4 for it to work.

bharatig commented 12 years ago

yes .. I have already installed .net framework 4

jfnavin commented 12 years ago


This is a tricky one - I haven't been able to reproduce it.

Have you confirmed the map.xml file you are selecting is a valid mapnik document? It may be that the tiler is not reporting the error correctly. Is there any additional error output in the log panel or console window? Are you able to run Nik2Img.exe on its own from the command line? (it is located in the \mapnik directory)

Could you please post details of your system configuration (Operating system, service packs, .NET framework version, java version). It may help isolate the problem.



bharatig commented 12 years ago

Hi James,

Thanks for your reply. I am using the same file which is given in mapnik_example folder. I am able to run Nik2Img.exe from command line it is giving help message. following is the error message written on the console window of application

[18:00:25] - INFO - Started [18:02:34] - SEVERE - Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'mapnik_c.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at MapnikCs.DatasourceCache.DatasourceCache_RegisterDatasources(String path, IntPtr& error) at MapnikCs.DatasourceCache.RegisterDatasources(String path) at Nik2Img.Program.Main(String[] args)

and my system configuration is--

Operating System- Windows XP Service pack- 2 .Net FrameWork version- Micrtosoft .Net Framework 4 Extended java version-jdk6.17

Regards Bharti

jfnavin commented 12 years ago

Hi Bharti,

Have you tried running Nik2Img.exe with valid command line arguments? The minimum arguments are -m and -o. Does it work? Or does it fail with the same error as reported in the Tiler application?

The missing DLL message looks like its a DLL search path problem. You may have one of the DLLs either already loaded from somewhere else or in your System32 folder etc. You could try using something like dependency walker ( to inspect where the DLLs are being loaded from. Alternatively, try doing a search of your System32 folder for the DLLs contained in the mapnik directory.

Hope this helps.



bharatig commented 12 years ago

Hi James

I have tried to run Nik2Img with command line by giving the following commnad--

Nik2Img.exe -m "E:\ga\ga-m3dv-ga-worldwind-suite-d717c37\Tiler\mapnik_example\map.xml" -e

but it is giving the same error . See System32 folder but could not find mapnik_c.dll also use dependency walker but nothing found.

Regards bharti