GeoscienceAustralia / ga-worldwind-suite

A collection of tools created by the Geoscience Australia (GA) Movies and 3D Visualisation (M3DV) team. The tools are built around the NASA World Wind Java SDK, an open-source virtual globe toolkit.
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problem creating jar file #94

Open bharatig opened 11 years ago

bharatig commented 11 years ago

I have import all projects in eclipse then I have rum (tiler).But it is giving gdal error so I have replaced new gdal package. now it runs successfully . Now I want to create jar file for this from eclipse. it is created.but when I run this jar file it gives the following error.

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.gdal.gdal.gdalJNI.SetConfigOption (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V

I am using windows xp 32 bit. please tell me the solution

jfnavin commented 11 years ago

When you say 'create jar file from eclipse" - are you running the ant script? Or using the Eclipse export jar wizard?

We have never tested the export wizard and recommend using the Ant script.

To run the script in eclipse:

  1. Show the Ant view (Window->show view->Ant)
  2. Drag the build.xml file into the Ant view
  3. Double-click the "Tiler" entry in the Ant view

This should launch the 'run' target which executes all of the steps in the build life-cycle. The outputs will be found in /target/executable. You will want to use the "tiler-windows-x86" version on XP 32bit.