GeoscienceAustralia / ginan

The Australian Government, through Positioning Australia (part of Geoscience Australia), is funding the design, development and operational service of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) position correction system - the Ginan service and toolkit. The application of the Ginan correction service by a GNSS device has the potential to increase positioning accuracy from meters to centimetres across Australia. The suite of software systems in this repository (the Ginan toolkit) will be used to create the service. It is available now under an open source licence. Ginan will give individuals and organisations no-cost access to the Ginan software and service as a public good.
220 stars 104 forks source link

Problems encountered during operation #103

Closed LJC8848 closed 1 week ago

LJC8848 commented 1 week ago

PEA starting... ( from )

Checking configuration file ppp_example.yaml Loading configuration from file ppp_example.yaml

=============================== Configuration...

Inputs: snx_files: ./products/tables/igs_satellite_metadata.snx ./products/igs19P2062.SNX atx_files: ./products/tables/igs20.atx clk_files: ./products/igs20624.CLK bsx_files: ./products/COD0MGXFIN_20191990000_01D_01D_OSB.BIA igrf_files: ./products/tables/igrf13coeffs.txt ocean_tide_loading_blq_files: ./products/tables/OLOAD_GO.BLQ atmos_tide_loading_blq_files: ./products/tables/ALOAD_GO.BLQ ocean_pole_tide_loading_files: ./products/tables/opoleloadcoefcmcor.txt erp_files: ./products/tables/ sp3_files: ./products/igs20624.SP3 planetary_ephemeris_files: ./products/tables/DE436.1950.2050 gpt2grid_files: ./products/tables/gpt_25.grd rnx_inputs: ./products/../data/ALIC00AUS_R_20191990000_01D_30S_MO.rnx ./products/../data/DARW00AUS_R_20191990000_01D_30S_MO.rnx ./products/../data/HOB200AUS_R_20191990000_01D_30S_MO.rnx

Outputs: trace level: 2 receiver trace filename: ./outputs/ppp_example/_pppexample.TRACE network trace filename: ./outputs/ppp_example/_pppexample.TRACE gpx filename: ./outputs/ppp_example/_pppexample.GPX

Process Modes: Preprocessor: 1 SPP 1 PPP: 1 Minimum Constraints: 0 Ionospheric: 1 RTS Smoothing: 1

Systems: GPS: 1 GLONASS: 0 GALILEO: 1 BEIDOU: 0 QZSS: 0 LEO: 0

Epochs: epoch_interval: 30

=============================== ...End Configuration

Threading with max 12 eigen threads Threading with max 2147483647 omp threads Logging with trace level:2

Mongo connecting to database @ mongodb://localhost:27017 Loading ATX file ./products/tables/igs20.atx Loading SP3 file ./products/igs20624.SP3 Loading ERP file ./products/tables/ Loading CLK file ./products/igs20624.CLK Loading BSX file ./products/COD0MGXFIN_20191990000_01D_01D_OSB.BIA Loading IGRF file ./products/tables/igrf13coeffs.txt Loading SNX file ./products/tables/igs_satellite_metadata.snx Loading SNX file ./products/igs19P2062.SNX Loading GPT file ./products/tables/gpt_25.grd Loading Ocean Pole Tide file ./products/tables/opoleloadcoefcmcor.txt Loading planetary ephemeris file ./products/tables/DE436.1950.2050 Initialising station ALIC Initialising station DARW Initialising station HOB2 Mongo connecting to database : ppp_example @ mongodb://localhost:27017 Mongo connected to database : ppp_example

Starting to process epochs... Starting epoch #1 Synced 3 stations... Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G063 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G061 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G069 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G036 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G050 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G067 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G048 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G072 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G068 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G073 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G046 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G058 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G043 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G041 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G055 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G056 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G053 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G034 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G059 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G051 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G045 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G047 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G060 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G065 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G062 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G071 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G066 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G044 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G057 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G064 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G052 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Max yaw rate not found for G070 in satYawGpsIIR, check sinex files for '+SATELLITE/YAW_BIAS_RATE' block Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E01 Warning: No sat pos found for E01. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E02 Warning: No sat pos found for E02. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E03 Warning: No sat pos found for E03. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E04 Warning: No sat pos found for E04. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E05 Warning: No sat pos found for E05. Warning: SVN not found for E06 Warning: Block type not found for E06, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E06 Warning: No sat pos found for E06. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E07 Warning: No sat pos found for E07. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E08 Warning: No sat pos found for E08. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E09 Warning: No sat pos found for E09. Warning: SVN not found for E10 Warning: Block type not found for E10, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E10 Warning: No sat pos found for E10. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E11 Warning: No sat pos found for E11. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E12 Warning: No sat pos found for E12. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E13 Warning: No sat pos found for E13. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E14 Warning: No sat pos found for E14. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E15 Warning: No sat pos found for E15. Warning: SVN not found for E16 Warning: Block type not found for E16, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E16 Warning: No sat pos found for E16. Warning: SVN not found for E17 Warning: Block type not found for E17, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E17 Warning: No sat pos found for E17. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E18 Warning: No sat pos found for E18. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E19 Warning: No sat pos found for E19. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E20 Warning: No sat pos found for E20. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E21 Warning: No sat pos found for E21. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E22 Warning: No sat pos found for E22. Warning: SVN not found for E23 Warning: Block type not found for E23, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E23 Warning: No sat pos found for E23. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E24 Warning: No sat pos found for E24. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E25 Warning: No sat pos found for E25. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E26 Warning: No sat pos found for E26. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E27 Warning: No sat pos found for E27. Warning: SVN not found for E28 Warning: Block type not found for E28, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E28 Warning: No sat pos found for E28. Warning: SVN not found for E29 Warning: Block type not found for E29, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E29 Warning: No sat pos found for E29. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E30 Warning: No sat pos found for E30. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E31 Warning: No sat pos found for E31. Warning: SVN not found for E32 Warning: Block type not found for E32, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E32 Warning: No sat pos found for E32. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E33 Warning: No sat pos found for E33. Warning: SVN not found for E34 Warning: Block type not found for E34, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E34 Warning: No sat pos found for E34. Warning: SVN not found for E35 Warning: Block type not found for E35, attitude modelling etc may be affected, check sinex file Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E35 Warning: No sat pos found for E35. Warning: Looking for precise position, but no precise ephemerides found for E36 Warning: No sat pos found for E36. ------- PREPROCESSING STATIONS --------



Warning: eop is estimated but model is not enabledterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 18446744071562067968) >= this->size() (which is 731) 已中止 (核心已转储) ppp_example.txt

seballgeyer commented 1 week ago

Same error as issue 104

LJC8848 commented 1 week ago

../bin/pea --config rt_ppp_example.yaml

PEA starting... (  from )

Checking configuration file rt_ppp_example.yaml Loading configuration from file rt_ppp_example.yaml

=============================== Configuration Summary...

Inputs:     snx_files:                       ./products/tables/igs_satellite_metadata_2203_plus.snx     atx_files:                       ./products/tables/igs20.atx     igrf_files:                      ./products/tables/igrf13coeffs.txt     ocean_tide_loading_blq_files:    ./products/tables/OLOAD_GO.BLQ     atmos_tide_loading_blq_files:    ./products/tables/ALOAD_GO.BLQ     ocean_pole_tide_loading_files:   ./products/tables/opoleloadcoefcmcor.txt     erp_files:                       ./products/tables/     egm_files:                       ./products/tables/EGM2008.gfc     planetary_ephemeris_files:       ./products/tables/DE436.1950.2050     ocean_tide_potential_files:      ./products/tables/fes2014b_Cnm-Snm.dat     gpt2grid_files:                  ./products/tables/gpt_25.grd     rtcm_inputs:                     @.**@./BCEP00BKG0 @.**@./SSRA00BKG0     rtcm_inputs:                     @.**@./ALIC00AUS0 @.**@./STR200AUS0

Outputs:     trace level:                   4     receiver trace filename:       ./outputs/rt_ppp_example/<RECEIVER>_rt_pppexample<YYYY><DDD><HH>.TRACE     network trace filename:        ./outputs/rt_ppp_example/<RECEIVER>_rt_pppexample<YYYY><DDD><HH>.TRACE     gpx filename:                  ./outputs/rt_ppp_example/rt_pppexample<RECEIVER>_<YYYY><DDD><HH>.GPX

Process Modes:     Preprocessor:        1     SPP                  1     PPP:                 1     Minimum Constraints: 0     Ionospheric:         0     RTS Smoothing:       0

Systems:     GPS:     1     GLONASS: 0     GALILEO: 0     BEIDOU:  0     QZSS:    0     LEO:     0

Epochs:     epoch_interval: 20

=============================== ...End Configuration Summary

Compilation details:

Ginan branch:      Ginan version:     Commit date:       Operating system: "Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS" Compiler version: GNU 11.4.0 Boost version:    1.74.0 Eigen version:    3.4.0 Mongocxx version: 3.7.0

Runtime details:

Logging at trace level4 Threading with max 16 eigen threads Threading with max 16 omp threads

Mongo connecting to database @ mongodb://localhost:27017 Loading ATX file ./products/tables/igs20.atx Loading ERP file ./products/tables/ Loading IGRF file ./products/tables/igrf13coeffs.txt Loading SNX file ./products/tables/igs_satellite_metadata_2203_plus.snx Loading GPT file ./products/tables/gpt_25.grd Loading Ocean Pole Tide file ./products/tables/opoleloadcoefcmcor.txt Loading EGM file ./products/tables/EGM2008.gfc Loading Tide file ./products/tables/fes2014b_Cnm-Snm.dat Loading planetary ephemeris file ./products/tables/DE436.1950.2050 Initialising station ALIC Initialising station STR2 Mongo connecting to database : rt_ppp_example @ mongodb://localhost:27017 Mongo connected  to database : rt_ppp_example

Starting to process epochs...

Starting epoch #1 Synced 0 receivers... Processed epoch #1 - GPS time: 2331 362740 - 2024-Sep-12 04:45:40 (took 00:00:00.00)

Starting epoch #2 Synced 2 receivers...  ------- PREPROCESSING STATIONS       -------- double free or corruption (out) 已中止 (核心已转储)