GeoscienceAustralia / ginan

The Australian Government, through Positioning Australia (part of Geoscience Australia), is funding the design, development and operational service of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) position correction system - the Ginan service and toolkit. The application of the Ginan correction service by a GNSS device has the potential to increase positioning accuracy from meters to centimetres across Australia. The suite of software systems in this repository (the Ginan toolkit) will be used to create the service. It is available now under an open source licence. Ginan will give individuals and organisations no-cost access to the Ginan software and service as a public good.
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Use of GinanEDA #74

Closed gnss-freshman closed 3 months ago

gnss-freshman commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug ginan/scripts/GinanEDA/requirements.txt, the libraries in it have also been installed successfully I followed that tutorial using ginaneda and have not been able to open 1710903486082 Also I thought I'd ask how ginan/scripts/backup_old/ should be used, I didn't find the pod.out pod.rms as required in the code, could you please tell me how they are formatted?

seballgeyer commented 3 months ago


The output seems to be correct. For completeness, are you running the EDA on your local machine or a remote one? It might be an issue of forwarding the ports if you are using a remote host.

As for the other question, all scripts in backup_old, relates to old versions of Ginan, you will not be able to use them. The output and architecture of the software has changed.

Best regards, Sebastien

gnss-freshman commented 3 months ago

Okay, thanks, I'm running the EDA remotely, and I was wondering what other programs besides EDA are available to evaluate the accuracy of the orbiting and clock counting.

seballgeyer commented 3 months ago


It seems like the EDA (Error Detection and Analysis) is running on a remote host, which makes it inaccessible directly from your localhost. To access it on your localhost, you'll need to forward the port 5000 of your remote host to your localhost. There are several ways to do this, but one common method is using SSH port forwarding.

You can forward the port using the following command:

ssh -fN -L 5000:localhost:5000 <remoteusername>@<remoteip>

This command forwards port 5000 from the remote host to port 5000 on your localhost. Replace with your username on the remote host and with the IP address of the remote host.

Regarding your second question, for post-processing and analyzing the output, additional programs are available. We have organized them into a new repository. You can find them at .

If you need further assistance or clarification, feel free to ask.

Best regards, Sebastien

gnss-freshman commented 3 months ago

Thank you very much for your answer, I am currently running GINANEDA successfully and I will follow up on the second accuracy rating! 54c5a06849c511f8f17b4895361814d