GeoscienceAustralia / uncover-ml

Machine Learning system for Geoscience Australia uncover project
Apache License 2.0
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Fork PyKrige #60

Open brenmous opened 4 years ago

brenmous commented 4 years ago

UncoverML depends on kriging library PyKrige. PyKrige has dependencies on scipy stack and insists these are preinstalled before pykrige is installed (issue) rather than letting setuptools handle the dependency management.

This is annoying and we have to pass this on to users of uncoverML.

Another issue that the latest version's (1.4.1) easy_install attempts to modify directories which prevents 'python install' from working - this is an issue as we have to use this installation method on Raijin.

For now we'll have to stick with version 1.3.0 and also document that numpy, scipy, matplotlib and Cython have to be preinstalled before installing uncoverml. In future it would be good to fork PyKrige and fix this.