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From OHDSI #14

Open tibbben opened 2 months ago

tibbben commented 2 months ago
tibbben commented 1 month ago

OMOP EPA conversation

scripts to get all download points - meet with Jake on Wednesday

Annual variable

pollutant measurement frequency/count various temporal values (day, month, year, 3 year, 5 year) various geospatial scales (1km, 10km, 100km)

how are annuals calculated? calendar year?

Different kinds of measurements: Federal Reference Method (gold standard)

Only keep AQS daily data with 50% or more observations frequency of measurement for monitors - include in attributes somehow for daily data use ISO 19115-1:2014 for temporal spans?? frequencies??

model data??

tibbben commented 1 month ago


tibbben commented 1 month ago

Develop a generic process for automatically generating shape information for use in the OHDSI GIS tool chain for 2 types of tessellations of geographic surfaces: A regular hexagonal tessellation that meets a minimum threshold sufficient to mitigate patient identification risk according to an arbitrary user-defined standard of acceptable identification risk A voronoi tessellation that meets a minimum threshold sufficient to mitigate patient identification risk according to an arbitrary user-defined standard of acceptable identification risk

Discreet Global Grids