GeostatsGuy / GeostatsPy

GeostatsPy Python package for spatial data analytics and geostatistics. Started as a reimplementation of GSLIB, Geostatistical Library (Deutsch and Journel, 1992) from Fortran to Python, Geostatistics in a Python package. Now with many additional methods. I hope this resources is helpful, Prof. Michael Pyrcz
MIT License
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Parallelization for large datasets #31

Open lennongeo opened 3 years ago

lennongeo commented 3 years ago

Hi Michael,

Big fan of the repo - thank you very much. I haven't worked up the code yet, but I'd like to submit a PR for loop parallelization across cores for some functions. I'm working with datasets containing ~1e6 data points, creating ~1e8 pairs for each lag distance, and am finding that varmapv is particularly cumbersome at this time.
