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One-Time Batch Edit existing BMP Attributes #19

Closed austinorr closed 1 year ago

austinorr commented 2 years ago


It's necessary to remap the existing BMP types and attributes that exist in the Tacoma GIS into types and modeling selections that are appropriate for WQ modeling.

This is a one-time operation to bootstrap the BMP attribute table managed by STP. New BMPs added to the Tacoma GIS and pulled into the system by the nightly sync will not have all the required fields until a user manually enters them using the website interface. New BMPs are thus not automatically included in modeling until they have a complete (minimum) set of modeling parameters and a related upstream catchment delineation feature.


this is a spreadsheet exercise. Pull the existing BMP database, draft up a few vlookup tables, push new table to STP database.

No code will be written to support this mapping. There is no "default mapping operation" proposed on this card.

@cnilsen should review the final mapping tables and selections.

In order to support 'simple' modeling params e.g., 91% capture 20% retention we need to make some edits to nereid. These edits are documented in another issue.

austinorr commented 2 years ago

@cnilsen please review ipynb/attrs

austinorr commented 2 years ago

implementation here:

austinorr commented 2 years ago

@cnilsen bump

austinorr commented 2 years ago

@cnilsen, i made this review simpler with a notebook and csv file here:

cnilsen commented 1 year ago

@austinorr I reviewed the attributes. Everything looks good, expect the 'vault' type. These should probably be coded as 'Flow Duration Control Tank' They provide treatment, but no infiltration. See here for an example:

Full QC below

facilitytype infiltrated facility_type Check
Bioretention   bioretention_with_no_infiltration_simple OK
Bioretention Full bioretention_with_full_infiltration_simple OK
Bioretention Partial bioretention_with_partial_infiltration_simple OK
Holding Basin   no_treatment OK
Media Filter   media_filter_simple OK
Oil Water Separator   oil_water_separator_simple OK
Pervious Pavement Full pervious_pavement_simple OK
Pervious Pavement   pervious_pavement_simple OK
Pervious Pavement Partial pervious_pavement_simple OK
Pond   wet_pond_simple OK
Pond Full wet_pond_simple OK
Pond Partial wet_pond_simple OK
Pump Station   no_treatment OK
Sand Filter   sand_filter_simple OK
Swale   vegetated_swale_simple OK
Swale Partial vegetated_swale_simple OK
Swirl Separator   hydrodynamic_separator_simple OK
Tank   dry_extended_detention_simple OK
Tank Full dry_extended_detention_simple OK
To Be DeterminedTo Be Determined   no_treatment OK
Trench Full infiltration_simple OK
Trench   infiltration_simple OK
Vault   no_treatment Flow Duration Control Tank
Vault Partial no_treatment Flow Duration Control Tank
Vegetated Box   vegetated_box_simple OK
Vegetated Box Partial vegetated_box_simple OK
austinorr commented 1 year ago

are the Vaults designed based on their volume, or based on their treatment rate? They seem like a flow-based BMP to me.

austinorr commented 1 year ago

@cnilsen i've got this in as a flow-based facility (e.g., design flow rate rather than design flow volume) with no treatment curve. I assume this BMP is able to remove TSS and the TSS-affinity pocs, but we have not got a reduction function for this BMP yet, so currently 'no treatment' for this type.

austinorr commented 1 year ago

@cnilsen bump

austinorr commented 1 year ago
