GeppettoJS / backbone.geppetto

Bring your Backbone applications to life with an event-driven Command framework.
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Fluent interface #73

Open creynders opened 9 years ago

creynders commented 9 years ago

I'm starting to sway towards the idea of having a fluent interface. I didn't deem it necessary at first, but with Context#configure and a few of the new things I'd like to add, a FI seems to make sense.

Something like:

    baz: 'qux'
    "system:somethingHappened": "doBar"

The thing is, I notice I'm pulling more and more of the Geppetto stuff out of the ordinary actors and into the wiring phase, which means you need more possibilities, which in turn means you want to apply more methods to the same wiring configurations.

@geekdave what do you think?

creynders commented 9 years ago

So, I sketched out a first try with some tests ported from the original API. Amazingly enough I succeeded in making it even backwards compatible, i.e. we have 2 API's now: the "old" one and the fluent one. However, the code's not that elegant anymore.

We need to ask ourselves whether we want to present users with two API's or one? And if the latter, which one?

creynders commented 9 years ago

Ah yes, I didn't include commands yet. Since I didn't quite know how to call the mapping method. toEvent seems a very weird breaking of symmetry. But on the other hand, commands ARE quite something else, so maybe it's warranted.



Also, there's some technical difficulties, so I didn't want to start stirring that hornet's nest until I know what you think about the fluent API idea.

creynders commented 9 years ago

I do love the legibility though:

    foo : "foo"
     "event:foo" : "doSomething"
  .withParameters(payload, a, b);
creynders commented 9 years ago

After thinking some more about this I'd like to propose the following API:

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

If we want to maintain backwards compatibility we can simply replace the current methods with sugary ones:

function wireSingleton(key, clazz, wiring){

Or release a separate geppetto.migrate module which mixes those methods in.

creynders commented 9 years ago

Or we can go the full road:



Nope, don't like this one.

creynders commented 9 years ago

So, thinking about this some more, if we stick to the idea of having the methods reflect what is returned from the context, we really need to think about/rename:

The full explanation of asClass is: "take this object and create a new instance every time it's key is asked for".

On the other hand, maybe we should rethink the entire naming scheme. ATM it looks like the object that is wired itself is used as a singleton instance, which is not the case. I'm having a hard time to come up with an API for that though.

creynders commented 9 years ago

Also, some food for thought: in SwiftSuspenders (which both the old API and the new API are based on) there's the notion of providers, i.e. a SingletonProvider, a InstanceProvider et cetera. It allows people to create their own providers and register them with the context. Will need to think on how this could fit into the whole.