GerbenJavado / LinkFinder

A python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files
MIT License
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-i (--input) does not work with wildcards when using in path to folder: /path/to/folder/*.js #34

Closed bl4de closed 6 years ago

bl4de commented 6 years ago

Hi Gerben, I hope you're well :)

I found a small issue in -i option. When I pass as an argument a path to the folder with JavaScript files using wildcard:

$ ./ -i ~/hacking/bugbounty/Valve/*.js

I get the following error: error: unrecognized arguments: 

When I call single file from this folder, LinkFinder works like a charm:

$ ./ --input ~/hacking/bugbounty/Valve/

Running against: /Users/bl4de/hacking/bugbounty/Valve/

Let me know if you need any additional information about this issue



GerbenJavado commented 6 years ago

Hi bl4de,

Im aware of this issue. LinkFinder has been written in such a way that you need to use single quote when referencing an asterisk like: ./ -i '~/hacking/bugbounty/Valve/*.js'. If you know a way to fix this I'd be happy to implement it, but else I would suggest you to use this method.

Regards, Gerben

bl4de commented 6 years ago

Hi Gerben,

I'll try to take a look at this issue, maybe I will find a way to fix this. If yes, I'll send a PR :)



GerbenJavado commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Also for being alert on issues and reporting them.

bl4de commented 6 years ago

You're welcome! We should help each other, I think. Especially, if we use tools made by them :)