Geri-Borbas / Unity.Library.eppz.Geometry

2D Geometry for Unity. Suited for everyday polygon hassle. Polygon clipping, polygon winding direction, polygon area, polygon centroid, centroid of multiple polygons, line intersection, point-line distance, segment intersection, polygon-point containment, polygon triangulation, polygon Voronoi diagram, polygon offset, polygon outline, polygon buffer, polygon union, polygon substraction, polygon boolean operations, and more. It is a polygon fest.
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Erro when add package from git URL #5

Open Qiming0303 opened 7 months ago

Qiming0303 commented 7 months ago

Hi Borbas,

Thanks for the amazing polygon operations! I am a green hand on unity. I would love to try this great library EPPZ. But it seems that directly download the [] or add the depository by URL at unity package manager is not working. I keep getting this erro(picture). Is that because I do not have the MIT licence?


Thanks agian and looking forward to your reply!

Kind regards, Qim

Qiming0303 commented 7 months ago

Hi Borbas,

Great, I have already tried several functions. Thanks for the great depository! Now I know this is not a unity package and can not be imported by package manager. I made a double check about the download zip file and found most subfolder is empty. After follow the git command, I succusfully can use the namespace of EPPZ.Geometry.

Now the only thing is, unity keep reminding me of missing namespace related to the following scripts.


like this;


Do you know how to fix that? Is it because the Triangle.NET folder in my computer is empty?

Looking forward to your reply!

Kind regards, Qim

Linuxmodel commented 1 month ago

Need to pull all submodules, with Clipper and Triangle.NET