Gericom / GBARunner3

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[Game] Worms World Party freezes if you pause in-game #129

Open Dartz150 opened 7 months ago

Dartz150 commented 7 months ago

Game Info

Game Title: Worms - World Party TID: AWYE SAV: NO_SAVE REG: USA

GBARunner3 info

Commit: fdd4666 Build Date: 10 Dec 2023 Branch: bitmap JIT Patches on repo: no Console: DSi Media: SD Flashcard: * Hicode: Base Shift: Bitmap:JIT Patches:AWYE00.json AWYP00.json

wram icache:Compatibility: Unplayable

Notes: Needs Manual JIT patches to work. The game freezes if you pause in-game. Both wram iacache off and center an mask off didn't help.