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Top Gun Combat Zones doesn't get past Main Menu due to checking savetypes when not using saves #38

Closed zenseii closed 9 months ago

zenseii commented 11 months ago

The game does not react to A-button inputs on main menu prohibiting you from getting past the main menu. The game actually uses password saves. Check comment from here:

"Top Gun - Combat Zones" is listed as having save-type "Flash512_v131" but this is not the case.
In fact, the game follows the heuristics for *every* save-type as an anti-piracy measure.
If it finds any non-volatile storage, it disables all the main-menu options.

According to datomatic it uses Flash512_v131

Dartz150 commented 9 months ago

Apparently this is an AP measure, it works correctly by patching the check using this patch:

00088817: 35 -> 34 0011CA14: 46 4C 41 53 48 35 31 32 5F 56 31 33 31 -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0011CA5D: 4C 41 53 48 31 4D 5F 56 31 30 32 -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0011CC94: 53 52 41 4D 5F 56 31 31 33 -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Dartz150 commented 9 months ago

An optimized patch that also works, since it only needs the save type strings to be undetected by GBARunner3:

00088817: 35 -> 34 0011CA14: 46 -> 00 0011CA5D: 4C -> 00 0011CC94: 53 -> 00