For "compete", it would be nice to be able to
run several copies of the same AI, with different settings,
e.g. for pathfinding or passenger-evaluation.
(To avoid making a lot of copies with minor changes,
which is hard to track)
This could be done with an extra parameter "variant-number"
provided by ai.init(), e.g. like ai.mapEvent(aiID, ... ),
so the AI could choose one of its built-in settings.
For AIs used for wargames, this is commonly used to give the same AI
more than one "personality", e.g. with peaceful or aggressive settings.
To see who runs with what settings, it would be nice if the
AI could then append some string to its name.
For "compete", it would be nice to be able to run several copies of the same AI, with different settings, e.g. for pathfinding or passenger-evaluation. (To avoid making a lot of copies with minor changes, which is hard to track)
This could be done with an extra parameter "variant-number" provided by ai.init(), e.g. like ai.mapEvent(aiID, ... ), so the AI could choose one of its built-in settings.
For AIs used for wargames, this is commonly used to give the same AI more than one "personality", e.g. with peaceful or aggressive settings.
To see who runs with what settings, it would be nice if the AI could then append some string to its name.