Gerold55 / laptop

Introducing the MineTest Laptop Mod
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App-Request: Factions #116

Open apachano opened 6 years ago

apachano commented 6 years ago

This was mentioned in Discord and I wanted to post it, I may get it done some day.

bell07 commented 6 years ago

What the laptop can do with Factions?

apachano commented 6 years ago

I am not entirely sure what the original intent was, it was mentioned on discord by Gerold55 and Imperator Ferrum Princeps on March 9, I wish there was a way to send a link to a message.

If you think about it though you could display faction members, statistics, who they are at war with, who allies are. Faction owners could use it to manage members, allies, wars, etc. I guess it would essentially serve as a bypass to using the command line in chat but with some GUI magic that might prove to be useful.

Another idea, if it interfaces with a display type mod faction info could be displayed on a display board.

bell07 commented 6 years ago

First idea what Laptop can do with Factions: