Gerold55 / laptop

Introducing the MineTest Laptop Mod
25 stars 14 forks source link

Bundle apps / Content #118

Closed apachano closed 6 years ago

apachano commented 6 years ago

I was wondering if you guys have considered bundling the apps into . . . well bundles . . . What I mean is set up the apps for the mod like mods are for minetest. To install an app into the mod all you do is drop its folder into the apps folder and the mod searches for it. So the structure would be minetest-laptop -> apps -> calculator -> init.lua Then each app folder also holds its textures making them easier to install and uninstall.

This could also be done with textures and computers.

bell07 commented 6 years ago

Possible only if we split the mod to a modpack with any app (or feature set like the printer/printing) is an own minetest mod. Then we can select on mod level which content should be active for laptop.

Gerold55 and Grizzly-Adam started with some "addition pack mods":

But inside of a mod we cannot separate textures, all textres needs to be placed to the one texture folder.

apachano commented 6 years ago

I've gotten the textures to load from other files in the past but really thinking about it I guess the textures folder exists for efficiency in its own.