Gerrudo / reticulating-splines

An isometric city building game.
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Re-Implement Core Systems #43

Open Gerrudo opened 1 week ago

Gerrudo commented 1 week ago

Core Systems need to be re-added after the Tilemap Overhaul in #36.

Additional Requirements:

Gerrudo commented 1 week ago this is a pain in the arse trying to get this to play nicely.

I've tried a few different approaches, using state etc, but the best way seems to have be having raw values in a consumption vs production calculation and then setting a value based on if the resources available are sufficient.

Gerrudo commented 1 week ago Looking somewhat more like a game, added in goods which are produced at industrial areas and then sold in commercial ones.

A day is now 1 minute, after which taxes are other earnings are collected and deposited into player's funds which they can use.

Numbers certainly need tweaking but this is a good start.

It might even be worth a some stage splitting each zone type or building type into it's own class to keep things neat, as we'll end up with a lot of different values.

TODO: tilePosition isn't used in a lot of methods, need to add required values to our SO's


Gerrudo commented 6 days ago Added an interface for our placeable tiles to apply calculations

Using an interface for this will be much better when we start to add more buildings

Gerrudo commented 4 days ago Moved some classes around, ditched the interface as it was making things more abstracted for no real reason, but at least now I understand them.

We now need to look at creating a population pool to have population gradually increase, it also will work the same when it comes to workers for other buildings.

Not seeing much progress lately as I keep messing around with design patterns that just keep over complicating this small project lol

Gerrudo commented 4 days ago Half-baked factory pattern implementation.

God this is a pain, turns out using Scriptable Objects in Unity was a bad idea, they persist after each session and seem to save to disk in the editor, and general advice is they're good as static data containers that do not change, so no good for storing changing values. Hence our factory and attached data class.

Gerrudo commented 2 days ago We now have a static data store for all our CityData, we can likely in the future find better ways to decouple this, but at least it means our buildings are not directly coupled to our City singleton.

Gerrudo commented 1 day ago Almost done, some values just need adjusting to make sure the numbers for each resources do not go out of control and can be balanced.


Gerrudo commented 8 hours ago

Just jotting down ideas here, I think we need to be batch processing jobs instead of doing what we're doing at the moment and calling an update each frame. As this is getting hard to manage the state of each building and the values of the city.

What I mean by processing in batches is for a building to gradually produce a resource over time and it then be taken into the city data once every day or so, this is the same as what we do for earnings and would make it simpler.

For power, we should be statically defining how much power is produced, I think having this affected by workers is causing issues so we should simplify it for now.