Gerrudo / reticulating-splines

An isometric city building game.
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Create Core Simulation Systems #8

Closed Gerrudo closed 5 days ago

Gerrudo commented 1 month ago

Core Simulation systems need to be added to the game, these include:

To start, these systems will be a availability vs demand, so the availability must either match or exceed the demand for the city to function.

The calculation for this can be done each second or on a turn based system.

Gerrudo commented 3 weeks ago

Putting on hold as this now depends on #10

Gerrudo commented 3 weeks ago

Putting on hold as this now depends on #10

No longer on hold, simulation now works in part.

Money is now being deducted per second depending on the current buildings placed.

Items that still need work:

Gerrudo commented 6 days ago

As of now we've converted over to bricks, to simply the game loop, will detail this in another ticket.