GertjanReynaert / cobalt2-vim-theme

Vim port of cobalt2 sublime theme
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Italic style #5

Open diegoacostadev opened 8 years ago

diegoacostadev commented 8 years ago

Hi dude, thanks for this great contribution. I have a problem with italic style in certain html tags. I would like to set italic to tags. In line 514 put italic in the 4th param but can't see changes in html file. Instead i set this manually in .vimrc and works. I hope you can help me. Thanks again.

djpowers commented 4 years ago

I know this is an old issue, but I also seem to be having trouble with italics. In my case, I'm not seeing them used at all.

I see references to italic comments in the source code, but they are not rendered for me in practice.

My terminal is iTerm2, and I've configured it to support italics. I've confirmed they do work because adding the following to my .vimrc file italicizes comments:

highlight Comment cterm=italic

Is it safe to rule out a configuration error here? If so, adding the above line seems like a quick and easy way to fix (and could similarly be applied to the other group elements).

If you don't have time to implement this but think that approach seems fine, I'd be happy to give it a shot and open up a PR.

And thanks for your work on the colorscheme. 😄