GetDotaStats / stat-collection

Library for setting up stat collection for dota2 mods
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[SCHEMA] Dota 2 Redux #88

Open darklordabc opened 7 years ago

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

Just a heads up that I'm adding more schema data for Redux so that I can see a breakdown of individual player stats per game. I'm posting this earlier to give you a chance to reject it before I start work on the implementation.

jimmydorry commented 7 years ago

You haven't given a schema, so I can't offer any feedback on it, until I see it.

TideSofDarK commented 7 years ago

@jimmydorry can we use statCollection:setFlags with string values? We want to use something like this: "Gamemode: Preset" : "Balanced All-Pick" Currently it grabs preset number but readability suffers from it.

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

Btw @jimmydorry just to give you some rough idea of what some of the major changes are so you don't think its just a stupid rip off, here is just a brief overview:

Hero Perks

Each Hero in the game has a specifically designed unique mechanic that synegerizes with other abilities, adding a new layer to the game and making picking a hero actually a meaningful chose. image These perks took about 3 weeks to complete in total, 700 commits, and contributions from around 6 developers. Countless hours in coding, testing, discussion, and retesting. image image


Entirely revamped GUI, based around mutators and user friendly customizeable game. Took one developer in particular K1llman, many pull requests and days to get right. image image

And many many other features

Like Duels that took Tides probably a week to complete and still fine tuning. Fat-O-Meter, mutator that took BlueKingBar 3 days of intense work to finish. Team Shared Exp that tides did. Dozens of new custom abilities, some especially crafted by swordbacon and Yahnich Fixes to age old bugs, like the reincarnation bug that still plagues original LoD Strong Creeps that took Tides about a week. The list really goes on and on.

Basically its been full time work since July, with untold hours of development time from various developers, I'm sure if you knew the sacrifice that has gone into this, you would agree its not just a stupid rip-off. I'm just telling you this as a foreword.

TideSofDarK commented 7 years ago

OK scheme is pretty much the same getPlayerStats function settings.kv addon_game_mode.lua UPD: seems we can use string values for flags. we will use it later to have better readability on our gamemode options(there are a lot of them)

SinZ163 commented 7 years ago

@TideSofDarK the examples in the specifications has it supporting string values, and Legends of Dota has one or two string valued Flags.

Anyway, apart from maybe replacing some of your defaults with '' to make sure they don't exist for all intents and purposes, it looks fine.

THOUGH that being said, I would ask for the person actually responsible for implementing stats to be listed as a contributor on the GDS mod page before I push the schema through the system

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

Do you mean add Tides as a team member on the MOD profile on gds?

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

I've updated the team list to show the devs that have worked on the Redux. image

SinZ163 commented 7 years ago

Here's your schema, please review the fields to make sure I didn't make a mistake.

Feel free to suggest changes!


Schema ID:

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

This looks great, I know its been ages, but could we still pull the trigger on these?

jimmydorry commented 7 years ago

What? The schema was made and everything.

darklordabc commented 7 years ago

Nothing ever updated. Its meant to add that "INFO" box next to players, but it was never added. image

jimmydorry commented 7 years ago

The site works fine. I would assume your mod never added the schema, or its ID, or has an incorrect schema.