GetScatter / ScatterWebExtension

Extension that allows you to sign transactions with your private keys securely from within the browser without ever exposing them.
MIT License
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Safari Support? #112

Open athei opened 6 years ago

athei commented 6 years ago

Will there be Safari Support? I know there use a completely different extension model. But still it could be worthwhile to get everyone on board.

nsjames commented 6 years ago

Once the desktop companion is live it'll be very easy to just port over the remaining extension code to a Safari extension. It'll have to wait until then though.

athei commented 6 years ago

Does this mean the extension will just be a stub that forwards things to the desktop app? I guess the UI code is what is hard to do cross browser.

nsjames commented 6 years ago

Yup, that's exactly what it means. The desktop app will be able to connect to the browser extension and provide the same functionality without consuming as many resources within the browser. It'll also be able to connect to other things.. like games.

athei commented 6 years ago

Sounds really nice. Finally Dapp Support in Safari. Is there already a repository for the desktop app or is it this repository?

nsjames commented 6 years ago

Nope no repository yet. But it's underway.