GetScatter / ScatterWebExtension

Extension that allows you to sign transactions with your private keys securely from within the browser without ever exposing them.
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Can't connect to jungle testnet #120

Closed blockchain-expert closed 6 years ago

blockchain-expert commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to connect jungle test net with scatter. I've an account in test net. I've added its key pair. When I import it to identity it shows "no account exist for specified key". why this happens?

nsjames commented 6 years ago

Have you added the network inside of Scatter?

If you have; check if you added the chainId on either side. If you have then both sides must have it. chainId always overrides hosts.

hershkoy commented 6 years ago

@nsjames, I also have this issue.

Networks: Name: jungles http Domain: Port:18888 ChainId: 038f4b0fc8ff18a4f0842a8f0564611f6e96e8535901dd45e43ac8691a1c4dca

After creating an identity, I am trying to click on the circle to get balances, "loading balances" appear for 1 second and disappears. When inspecting, on the Network tab I see that scatter is using /v1/chain/get_table_rows => {"code": "eosio.token", "scope": "hezitester11", "table": "accounts", "limit": 5000} which returns: {"rows":[],"more":false}

I checked on, and I also get the same response there. but if I do /v1/chain/get_account => {"account_name": "hezitester11"} I get the correct response { "account_name": "hezitester11", "head_block_num": 4836619, "head_block_time": "2018-07-09T23:20:27.000", "privileged": false,.... }

In addition, when trying to connect to scatter from websites like eostoolkit, I never see the identity that I created. not sure if it related.

Would appreciate any help. Thanks!

hershkoy commented 6 years ago

Loading balance now works (Ijust needed to add coins to the account from the faucet), But I am still unable to connect scatter testnet identity to websites like eostoolkit, because it never shows the testnet identity. Any idea?

hershkoy commented 6 years ago


hershkoy commented 6 years ago

It was the chainId, which was hard coded in the code to be of the mainnet in the getIdentity request to scatter. My problem solved, don't know about the OP

blockchain-expert commented 6 years ago

Problem is with the host. I think there is some issue in connecting with I changed the host to one I got from Thus Issue solved.