GetScatter / ScatterWebExtension

Extension that allows you to sign transactions with your private keys securely from within the browser without ever exposing them.
MIT License
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Can't get eos account public key #154

Closed peterhelin closed 5 years ago

peterhelin commented 5 years ago

the doc says that through requiring specific fields: const requiredFields = { accounts:[ { blockchain:'eos', chainId:'aca....' } ] }; then we can get: { accounts:[ { blockchain:'eos', name:'testaccount', authority:'active', publicKey:'EOS6MRyAjQq...' }, ] } but in reality, i can only get this { accounts:[ { blockchain:'eos', name:'testaccount', authority:'active'}, ] } so the question is how I get the publicKey of my eos account? Since I have imported my private key into Scatter, it's obvious that I can get my publicKey whenever I want...

nsjames commented 5 years ago

Scatter Classic ( this extension ) doesn't provide the publicKey when returning EOS account data, only Scatter Desktop. I'd advise looking into scatter-js ( ) and adding support for Desktop ASAP, as Classic will be deprecated in favor of Desktop soon.

jurosh commented 5 years ago

@nsjames wouldn't be possible to update extension to include account publicKey? I can imagine that transition process from ScatterExtension to ScatterDesktop would take quite long time and would be nice to have that functionality...

nsjames commented 5 years ago

For the project the process of transitioning over to scatterjs is only a few lines of code.

For the users, though that process might take a bit longer it's a very advised process due to security concerns. All work on Scatter Classic has stopped unless it's a security centric bug that can be handled. Otherwise, we don't want to get hopes up that it will still be maintained as it send the wrong message. Users should be moving over to Desktop immediately now that it has been audited.

Read this article to get an elaborate reasoning behind this (obviously stern) decision.