GetScatter / ScatterWebExtension

Extension that allows you to sign transactions with your private keys securely from within the browser without ever exposing them.
MIT License
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Scatter not loading from backup #162

Closed Jam3sMacduff closed 5 years ago

Jam3sMacduff commented 5 years ago

I'm using scatter desktop app on windows 7 but it doesn't work with some sites (such as which needs the chrome extension. When I add the extension and try to load my scatter from a backup it asks for my password / seed but doesn't recognise either. Same error message - password must be at least 8 characters... Anyone had the same issue / figured out a workaround?

slaphead commented 5 years ago

I am having the same issue on Windows 10. I assume you paste the backup text in the json file and then enter in the password created using the desktop app? It keeps showing the error bad password. I use the same password to login on the desktop and it is fine. Please assist here as I cannot trust this app if backups cannot be restored.

nsjames commented 5 years ago

Stop using extension. It is deprecated. Move to desktop. Also backups are not compatible between the two.

I'm using scatter desktop app on windows 7 but it doesn't work with some sites (such as EOS Toolkit does support desktop.