GetScatter / ScatterWebExtension

Extension that allows you to sign transactions with your private keys securely from within the browser without ever exposing them.
MIT License
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Abi wasn't successfuly extracted #168

Open andrey1894 opened 5 years ago

andrey1894 commented 5 years ago

I connected through the plugin. eos = this.scatterService.scatter.eos(network, Eos, {}, 'https')

But I can not get a contract. let contract = await this.eos.contract(this.contractName) this.model.interface = JSON.stringify(contract.fc.abi) console.log('aaa') console.log(contract) // returned Proxy object (in chrome: 'value below was evaluated just now') console.log(this.model.interface) //returned undefined

And in chrome console exists Object, but 'contract.fc.abi' undefined 2018-09-21 18-45-22