GetScatter / ScatterWebExtension

Extension that allows you to sign transactions with your private keys securely from within the browser without ever exposing them.
MIT License
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Scatter is not injected to iframe #174

Open jondevx opened 5 years ago

jondevx commented 5 years ago

We have a web page that is designed to be loaded in iframe, however "window.scatter" is always undefined within the iframe. Our web page works perfectly fine if the client has Scatter desktop, it fails to detect scatter only if the client only has this extension. I know this extension is deprecated, however we know many of our users only have this extension, we will appreciate if you can upgrade it to inject script to iframe when users are still transiting from extension to scatter desktop.

In order to inject the script to iframe, I believe it is as simple as adding "all_frames": true to content_scripts.

nsjames commented 5 years ago

We've had quite a few developers try to get iframes to work, and have yet to have one figure it out. Iframes are generally very restrictive and don't support injections, especially since Scatter is only injecting into the uppermost level and has no knowledge of any iframes.

Your solution is possible to work, but it will not be included in the extension as it's deprecated and no updates are being applied unless absolutely necessary ( security related )