GetScatter / scatter-js

Importable JavaScript library that allows web applications to directly interface with Scatter Desktop, Classic and Mobile.
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Add custom network globe icon is broken in v. 12.0.0 #158

Closed mogenshoj closed 4 years ago

mogenshoj commented 4 years ago


I just upgraded to v. 12.0.0 on Windows.

When adding a custom network, and clicking the Chain ID icon, i get this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getChainId' of undefined
    at a.fetchChainId (main.bundle.js:1)
    at Ke (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)
    at a.n (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)
    at Ke (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)
    at a.e.$emit (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)
    at a.emitDynamicButton (main.bundle.js:1)
    at Ke (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)
    at HTMLElement.n (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)
    at HTMLElement.o._wrapper (vendor~daa565d3.bundle.js:2)

I am not able to add the network without clicking the globe icon. Error seems to be there with both our own sidechain, and e.g.

Did something break? :)

batrudinych commented 4 years ago

just a quick workaround that worked for me: I went to /v1/chain/get_info and pasted chain_id manually the network has been successfully added

nevertheless, voting for the fix

mogenshoj commented 4 years ago

confirmed, that adding it manually works 👍

mogenshoj commented 4 years ago

crossposted to scatter desktop, closing this