GetShopTV / swagger2

Swagger 2.0 data model.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
74 stars 59 forks source link

doctests fail on GHC-9.10 #254

Closed ysangkok closed 2 months ago

ysangkok commented 3 months ago

after applying the patch at the end and running cabal test -w ghc-9.10.1 --allow-newer, I get this error:

/home/janus/flipstone/swagger2/src/Data/Swagger.hs:298: failure in expression `instance ToSchema BadMixedType'
expected: ...
          ... • Cannot derive Generic-based Swagger Schema for BadMixedType
          ...   BadMixedType is a mixed sum type (has both unit and non-unit constructors).
          ...   Swagger does not have a good representation for these types.
          ...   Use genericDeclareNamedSchemaUnrestricted if you want to derive schema
          ...   that matches aeson's Generic-based toJSON,
          ...   but that's not supported by some Swagger tools.
          ... In the instance declaration for ‘ToSchema BadMixedType’
 but got: <interactive>:166:10: error: [GHC-64725]
              • Cannot derive Generic-based Swagger Schema for BadMixedType
                BadMixedType is a mixed sum type (has both unit and non-unit constructors).
                Swagger does not have a good representation for these types.
                Use genericDeclareNamedSchemaUnrestricted if you want to derive schema
                that matches aeson's Generic-based toJSON,
                but that's not supported by some Swagger tools.
              • In the expression:
                  Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema.$dmdeclareNamedSchema @(BadMixedType)
                In an equation for ‘declareNamedSchema’:
                      = Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema.$dmdeclareNamedSchema
                In the instance declaration for ‘ToSchema BadMixedType’
diff --git a/swagger2.cabal b/swagger2.cabal
index 3166a5d..6c475bc 100644
--- a/swagger2.cabal
+++ b/swagger2.cabal
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tested-with:

-                base < 4.20
+                base < 4.21
               , Cabal < 3.11
               , cabal-doctest >=1.0.6 && <1.1

@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ library

   -- GHC boot libraries
-      base             >=4.9       && <4.20
+      base             >=4.9       && <4.21
     , bytestring       >=  && <0.13
-    , containers       >=   && <0.7
-    , template-haskell >=  && <2.22
+    , containers       >=   && <0.8
+    , template-haskell >=  && <2.23
     , time             >=   && <1.14
     , transformers     >=   && <0.7

@@ -75,24 +75,24 @@ library

   -- other dependencies
-      base-compat-batteries     >=0.11.1   && <0.14
+      base-compat-batteries     >=0.11.1   && <0.15
     , aeson                     >=  && <2.3
     , aeson-pretty              >=0.8.7    && <0.9
     -- cookie 0.4.3 is needed by GHC 7.8 due to time>=1.4 constraint
-    , cookie                    >=0.4.3    && <0.5
+    , cookie                    >=0.4.3    && <0.6
     , generics-sop              >=  && <0.6
     , hashable                  >=  && <1.5
     , http-media                >=  && <0.9
     , insert-ordered-containers >=0.2.3    && <0.3
-    , lens                      >=4.16.1   && <5.3
-    , network                   >=  && <3.2
+    , lens                      >=4.16.1   && <5.4
+    , network                   >=  && <3.3
     , optics-core               >=0.2      && <0.5
     , optics-th                 >=0.2      && <0.5
     , scientific                >=  && <0.4
     , unordered-containers      >=  && <0.3
     , uuid-types                >=1.0.3    && <1.1
     , vector                    >= && <0.14
-    , QuickCheck                >=2.10.1   && <2.15
+    , QuickCheck                >=2.10.1   && <2.16

   default-language:    Haskell2010
sandratowry6 commented 2 months ago

I don't know how this work but iam will to learn