GetStream / stream-chat-flutter

Flutter Chat SDK - Build your own chat app experience using Dart, Flutter and the Stream Chat Messaging API.
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Copy message with mention has id instead of name #1929

Closed geweald closed 2 weeks ago

geweald commented 1 month ago

Which packages are you using?


On what platforms did you experience the issue?

iOS, Android, Web, Windows, MacOS, Linux

What version are you using?


What happened?

When you long-press the message that contains mentioned user (eg. @Adam), select Copy Message and copy the message, when you paste instead of @Adam you will see the @ with id of the user.

Steps to reproduce

1. Go to Chat
2. Mention user and send the message with the mention
3. Long press on the message with the mention
4. Select `Copy Message`
5. Paste the message

Supporting info to reproduce

No response

Relevant log output

No response

Flutter analyze output

No response

Flutter doctor output

No response

Code of Conduct

deven98 commented 2 weeks ago

Nice catch, thanks for the issue. This should be fixed with #1945 and will be out in the next release.