GetStream / stream-chat-react-native

💬 React-Native Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat. Includes a tutorial on building your own chat app experience using React-Native, React-Navigation and Stream
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[🐛] The InputBox and SendButton goes wrong when users copy and paste multiple times in the textarea #2419

Closed atsss closed 4 months ago

atsss commented 7 months ago


The send button doesn't activate when users copy and paste multiple times. The textarea also should expand depending on the number of lines. However, it doesn't change either. Once the user starts editing in the situation, the send button is activated and the textarea is expanded

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to any channels
  2. Copy and paste a previous message in textarea
  3. Send it to the chat
  4. Copy and paste a previous message in textarea again

Expected behavior

InputBox and SendButton should work properly regardless to the number of copying and pasting

Project Related Information


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- Create sample app using [it]( as a reference ```App.tsx import React, { useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { I18nManager, LogBox, Platform, SafeAreaView, useColorScheme, View } from 'react-native'; import { DarkTheme, DefaultTheme, NavigationContainer, RouteProp } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createStackNavigator, StackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { useHeaderHeight } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import { SafeAreaProvider, useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { Channel as ChannelType, ChannelSort, StreamChat } from 'stream-chat'; import { Channel, ChannelList, Chat, MessageInput, MessageList, OverlayProvider, Streami18n, Thread, ThreadContextValue, useAttachmentPickerContext, useOverlayContext, } from 'stream-chat-expo'; import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { useStreamChatTheme } from './src/hooks/useStreamChatTheme'; LogBox.ignoreAllLogs(true); type LocalAttachmentType = Record; type LocalChannelType = Record; type LocalCommandType = string; type LocalEventType = Record; type LocalMessageType = Record; type LocalReactionType = Record; type LocalUserType = Record; type StreamChatGenerics = { attachmentType: LocalAttachmentType; channelType: LocalChannelType; commandType: LocalCommandType; eventType: LocalEventType; messageType: LocalMessageType; reactionType: LocalReactionType; userType: LocalUserType; }; const options = { presence: true, state: true, watch: true, limit: 30, }; I18nManager.forceRTL(false); const chatClient = StreamChat.getInstance('MY_APP_ID'); const userToken = 'MY_USER_TOKEN'; const user = { id: 'MY_USER_ID', }; const filters = { members: { $in: ['MY_USER_ID''] }, type: 'Coaching', }; const sort: ChannelSort = { last_updated: -1 }; /** * Start playing with streami18n instance here: * Please refer to description of this PR for details: */ const streami18n = new Streami18n({ language: 'en', }); type ChannelListScreenProps = { navigation: StackNavigationProp; }; const ChannelListScreen: React.FC = ({ navigation }) => { const { setChannel } = useContext(AppContext); const memoizedFilters = useMemo(() => filters, []); return ( filters={memoizedFilters} onSelect={(channel) => { setChannel(channel); navigation.navigate('Channel'); }} options={options} sort={sort} /> ); }; type ChannelScreenProps = { navigation: StackNavigationProp; }; const ChannelScreen: React.FC = ({ navigation }) => { const { channel, setThread, thread } = useContext(AppContext); const headerHeight = useHeaderHeight(); const { setTopInset } = useAttachmentPickerContext(); const { overlay } = useOverlayContext(); useEffect(() => { navigation.setOptions({ gestureEnabled: Platform.OS === 'ios' && overlay === 'none', }); }, [overlay]); useEffect(() => { setTopInset(headerHeight); }, [headerHeight]); if (channel === undefined) { return null; } return ( onThreadSelect={(thread) => { setThread(thread); if (channel?.id) { navigation.navigate('Thread'); } }} /> ); }; type ThreadScreenProps = { navigation: StackNavigationProp; route: RouteProp; }; const ThreadScreen: React.FC = ({ navigation }) => { const { channel, setThread, thread } = useContext(AppContext); const headerHeight = useHeaderHeight(); const { overlay } = useOverlayContext(); useEffect(() => { navigation.setOptions({ gestureEnabled: Platform.OS === 'ios' && overlay === 'none', }); }, [overlay]); if (!channel) return null; return ( onThreadDismount={() => setThread(null)} /> ); }; type ChannelRoute = { Channel: undefined }; type ChannelListRoute = { ChannelList: undefined }; type ThreadRoute = { Thread: undefined }; type NavigationParamsList = ChannelRoute & ChannelListRoute & ThreadRoute; const Stack = createStackNavigator(); type AppContextType = { channel: ChannelType | undefined; setChannel: React.Dispatch | undefined>>; setThread: React.Dispatch< React.SetStateAction['thread'] | undefined> >; thread: ThreadContextValue['thread'] | undefined; }; const AppContext = React.createContext({} as AppContextType); const App = () => { const colorScheme = useColorScheme(); const { bottom } = useSafeAreaInsets(); const theme = useStreamChatTheme(); const [channel, setChannel] = useState>(); const [clientReady, setClientReady] = useState(false); const [thread, setThread] = useState['thread']>(); useEffect(() => { const setupClient = async () => { const connectPromise = chatClient.connectUser(user, userToken); setClientReady(true); await connectPromise; }; setupClient(); }, []); return ( bottomInset={bottom} i18nInstance={streami18n} value={{ style: theme }} > {clientReady && ( ({ headerBackTitle: 'Back', headerRight: () => <>, headerTitle: channel?.data?.name, })} /> ({ headerBackTitle: 'back' })} /> )} ); }; export default () => { const theme = useStreamChatTheme(); return ( ); }; ```

Offline support


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#### `package.json`: ```json "dependencies": { "@expo/vector-icons": "^13.0.0", "@react-navigation/elements": "^1.3.3", "@react-navigation/native": "^6.0.10", "@react-navigation/stack": "^6.2.1", "expo": "^48.0.0", "expo-application": "~5.1.1", "expo-av": "~13.2.1", "expo-clipboard": "~4.1.2", "expo-constants": "~14.2.1", "expo-dev-client": "~2.2.1", "expo-document-picker": "~11.2.2", "expo-file-system": "~15.2.2", "expo-haptics": "~12.2.1", "expo-image-manipulator": "~11.1.1", "expo-image-picker": "~14.1.1", "expo-keep-awake": "~12.0.1", "expo-linking": "~4.0.1", "expo-localization": "~14.1.1", "expo-location": "~15.1.1", "expo-media-library": "~15.2.3", "expo-sharing": "~11.2.2", "expo-splash-screen": "~0.18.2", "expo-status-bar": "~1.4.4", "react": "18.2.0", "react-dom": "18.2.0", "react-native": "0.71.8", "react-native-safe-area-context": "4.5.0", "react-native-screens": "~3.20.0", "react-native-storage": "^1.0.1", "react-native-svg": "13.4.0", "react-native-web": "~0.18.7", "stream-chat-expo": "5.22.1", }, ``` **`react-native info` output:** ``` OUTPUT GOES HERE ``` - **Platform that you're experiencing the issue on**: - [x] iOS - [ ] Android - [ ] **iOS** but have not tested behavior on Android - [ ] **Android** but have not tested behavior on iOS - [ ] Both - **`stream-chat-react-native` version you're using that has this issue:** - `"stream-chat-expo": "5.22.1"` - Device/Emulator info: - [x] I am using a physical device - OS version: `iOS 16.1.1` , `Android13`, `Android14` , `Android15` - Device/Emulator: `iPhone 12` , `Pixel 3a` , `Pixel 4` , `Pixel6`

Additional context


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![Feb-09-2024 12-18-18](

khushal87 commented 7 months ago

Hey @atsss, this isn't reproducible for us on the iPhone simulator as the one that you have shared in the video.


atsss commented 7 months ago

@khushal87 Thanks for your response. It's happening to me both simulators and real devices. Can you share your code which doesn't have problems and the simulator/OS version? I'm having this problem with the following sample code. I just copied and pasted the sample and changed app credentials.

khushal87 commented 4 months ago

Closing this issue because of not being able to reproduce it. Please feel free to open it if you see it's still relevant. Test it on our example apps as well.