GetStream / stream-video-flutter

Flutter Video SDK - Build your own video app experience using Dart, Flutter and the Stream Video Messaging API.
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Call type detection #646

Closed Usamait13 closed 2 days ago

Usamait13 commented 1 month ago

I want to detect weather the incoming call is audio or video, I want to identify the type of call before picking the call. There is a variable callType printed that variable but it contains call id so i am unable to identify the type of call. Can anybody tell me how can I do it?

Brazol commented 1 month ago

Hey @Usamait13, where exactly do you want to identify the type of the call? Usually, you should have access to callCid, which is composed of call type and ID. You can easily parse it using the StreamCallCid class:

final streamCallCid = StreamCallCid(cid: call.cid);
final callType = streamCallCid.type;

Does that help?

Brazol commented 2 days ago

Closing the issue due to inactivity. Please reopen if needed.