GetValkyrie / valkyrie

Valkyrie is an opinionated local dev stack that makes features/git based Drupal development easy.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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feature request: drush vnew valkyrie #40

Closed niccolox closed 9 years ago

niccolox commented 9 years ago

would be nice to be able to specifiy a static IP (even private but static IP) and port at project creation time

I went looking for IP to change but found 2 (or 3) Vagrantfile and config.yml and when I did change it clashed with VB private networks

I ended up leaving IP alone and created port forwarding for http (complimenting ssh)

I run Vagrant on a server in a separate building and connect over the lan from various laptops

ergonlogic commented 9 years ago

We do specify a static IP, You can specify an alternative IP address to use by creating a file called config.yml in the project root and adding:


Obviously, you'd need to run vagrant reload for this to take effect. Alternatively, drush vnew --up=0 will initialize the project, but not launch the VM. This allows you to customize it as you'd like.

We don't use port-forwarding for http, since we provide DNS-based solutions; on Linux, Avahi-announced mDNS, and on OSX we use the vagrant-dns plugin.

Valkyrie is really designed to run Vagrant on your local machine. I don't know that we'll be able to support the remote Vagrant setup you describe.

niccolox commented 9 years ago

yeah, I know, I could try Vagrant Share, or Localtunnel or Ngrok ...

but for now, port-forwarding manually, in VB networking works fine.. do have to do /etc/hosts hacks also...

it might also come down to a more sophisticated LAN, I am trying to get around to using pfsense and not the limited ISP router