Ghadjeres / DeepBach

code accompanying "DeepBach: a Steerable Model for Bach Chorales Generation" paper
MIT License
499 stars 130 forks source link line 217: self.dataset has no data_loaders function #55

Closed lukysummer closed 5 years ago

lukysummer commented 5 years ago

** Edit : I figured that MusicDataset was a parent class for ChoraleDataset. I apologize for the confusion.**

Hello, thank you for the great update of the PyTorch version of DeepBach.

I was just looking through the code, and for line 217 (in "train_model" function):

(dataloader_train, dataloader_val, dataloader_test) = self.dataset.data_loaders( batch_size=batch_size,)

"self.dataset" uses "ChoraleDataset" class from, but the class has no "data_loaders" function. I found that "data_loaders" function is located in "MusicDataset" class

Would it be correct to import MusicDataset class as well in & use data_loaders function from it?

Thank you so much.