Ghawken / HomeKitLink-Siri

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Keep Getting Accessory Note Found in #14

Open ScottEKendall opened 2 years ago

ScottEKendall commented 2 years ago

Got the plugin installed, installed the security update via terminal, Indigo 2022.1 sees the plugin, was able to create the new HKLS item and went to add the QR Code to my home app and it spins forever and finally gives up and says accessory not added.

Ghawken commented 2 years ago

Hi - without any further info pretty hard to be sure…

By security update - I presume you mean installing cyptography? I presume the plugin starts without errors? “Create new HKLS item” I presume you mean a HKLS bridge? Have you added any accessories to the HKLS bridge? Do you have any error messages, or indeed any messages in the log ? Eg. Is the accessory bridge running?

This is all pretty basic low level stuff that no one else is seeing - so would presume there is some user error somewhere along the way, but without further information it is impossible to comment.

ScottEKendall commented 2 years ago

current setup, Mac Mini M1 (MacOS 12.4) with Indigo 2022.1. Using a Insteon PowerLinc 2413U, Firmware 9.9. Here is the debug log file from Indigo:

HomeKitLink Siri Set Logging to DEBUG HomeKitLink Siri Restart all Bridges Called HomeKitLink Siri Debug HomeKit Bridge + Siri: Stopping homeKitBridgeDevice Device 675876799 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Stopping HomeKit Bridge + Siri HomeKitLink Bridge with Unique Bridge ID 702681 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Checkid 702681 and total deviceBridgeNumber [702681] HomeKitLink Siri Debug After: Checkid 702681 and total deviceBridgeNumber [] HomeKitLink Siri Debug Removed Bridge <accessory display_name='HomeKitLink Bridge 702681' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'HAPProtocolInformation']> HomeKitLink Siri Debug Found Driver to stop Driver Id: 702681 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Driver to be deleted using port 51827 and portsinUse now set() HomeKitLink Siri Debug Removed Driver <pyhap.accessory_driver.AccessoryDriver object at 0x109d78910> HomeKitLink Siri Debug Found Thread ID to also Stop..702681 HomeKitLink Siri Stopping accessory HomeKitLink Bridge 702681 on address, port 51827. HomeKitLink Siri Closed the flux capacitor loop. HomeKitLink Siri Debug Removed Thread object <Thread(702681, stopped daemon 6116962304)> HomeKitLink Siri HomeKit Bridge + Siri has completed full Bridge, Driver and Bridge Thread Shutdown. HomeKitLink Siri Debug HomeKit Bridge + Siri: Starting homeKitBridgeDevice Device 675876799 HomeKitLink Siri Debug checkid = 702681 and self.deviceBridgeNumber = [] HomeKitLink Siri Debug Starting HomeKit Bridge + Siri HomeKitLink Bridge with Unique Bridge ID 702681 HomeKitLink Siri Debug create Device List Internal called HomeKitLink Siri Debug Attempting to start a single Bridge: Bridge HomeKit Bridge + Siri and ID 702681 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Next Port available:51827 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Sets of Ports Currently in Use: {51827} HomeKitLink Siri Debug get_bridge_multiple called and self.device_list_internal length 3 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Item :{'deviceid': 1304176463, 'devicename': 'Water Heater', 'accessory': <accessory display_name='Water Heater' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'Outlet']>, 'aid': 1304176463, 'subtype': 'Outlet', 'bridgeID': 702681, 'devicemodel': 'OutletLinc', 'devicesensor': '', 'manufacturername': ''} exisits for this bridge <accessory display_name='HomeKitLink Bridge 702681' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'HAPProtocolInformation']> HomeKitLink Siri Debug Adding Accessory:<accessory display_name='Water Heater' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'Outlet']> HomeKitLink Siri Debug Item :{'deviceid': 868690927, 'devicename': 'Office LIght', 'accessory': <accessory display_name='Office LIght' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'Switch']>, 'aid': 868690927, 'subtype': 'Switch', 'bridgeID': 702681, 'devicemodel': 'ICON Relay Switch', 'devicesensor': '', 'manufacturername': ''} exisits for this bridge <accessory display_name='HomeKitLink Bridge 702681' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'HAPProtocolInformation']> HomeKitLink Siri Debug Adding Accessory:<accessory display_name='Office LIght' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'Switch']> HomeKitLink Siri Debug Item :{'deviceid': 1170788319, 'devicename': 'Thermostat', 'accessory': <accessory display_name='Thermostat' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'Thermostat']>, 'aid': 1170788319, 'subtype': 'Thermostat', 'bridgeID': 702681, 'devicemodel': 'Thermostat Adapter -2441V-', 'devicesensor': '', 'manufacturername': ''} exisits for this bridge <accessory display_name='HomeKitLink Bridge 702681' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'HAPProtocolInformation']> HomeKitLink Siri Debug °C unit Selected HomeKitLink Siri Debug Found Min 7 and Max 35 Temperatures HomeKitLink Siri Debug Thermostat Device using Chars: ['CurrentHeatingCoolingState', 'TargetHeatingCoolingState', 'CurrentTemperature', 'TargetTemperature', 'CoolingThresholdTemperature', 'HeatingThresholdTemperature'] HomeKitLink Siri Debug Adding Accessory:<accessory display_name='Thermostat' services=['AccessoryInformation', 'Thermostat']> HomeKitLink Siri Scan the QR code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device: HomeKitLink Siri Select Device QR button to Display QR Code, or use pincode. HomeKitLink Siri Starting accessory HomeKitLink Bridge 702681 on address, port 51827. HomeKitLink Siri Debug Bridge 702681 Setup and Running. HomeKitLink Siri Scan the QR code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device: HomeKitLink Siri Select Device QR button to Display QR Code, or use pincode. HomeKitLink Siri Debug [<service display_name=AccessoryInformation chars={'Identify': False, 'Manufacturer': '', 'Model': 'OutletLinc', 'Name': 'Water Heater', 'SerialNumber': '7026811304176463', 'FirmwareRevision': ''}>, <service display_name=Outlet chars={'On': False, 'OutletInUse': True}>] HomeKitLink Siri Debug [<service display_name=AccessoryInformation chars={'Identify': False, 'Manufacturer': '', 'Model': 'ICON Relay Switch', 'Name': 'Office LIght', 'SerialNumber': '702681868690927', 'FirmwareRevision': ''}>, <service display_name=Switch chars={'On': True}>] HomeKitLink Siri Debug [<service display_name=AccessoryInformation chars={'Identify': False, 'Manufacturer': '', 'Model': 'Thermostat Adapter -2441V-', 'Name': 'Thermostat', 'SerialNumber': '7026811170788319', 'FirmwareRevision': ''}>, <service display_name=Thermostat chars={'CurrentHeatingCoolingState': 2, 'TargetHeatingCoolingState': 2, 'CurrentTemperature': 72.0, 'TargetTemperature': 21.0, 'TemperatureDisplayUnits': 0, 'CoolingThresholdTemperature': 23.0, 'HeatingThresholdTemperature': 19.0}>]

It appears that Indigo is publishing everything OK, but when I tried to add the accessory to a freshly (re)imaged iPhone 13, it gives me Accessory Not found after I scan in the QR code.

Ghawken commented 2 years ago

OK. Well broadly it is either a plugin issue, or a HomeKit app issue. Given the lack of any errors would be leaning towards a HomeKit app.

Although as general rule wouldn’t use the restart all Bridges menu item - isn’t needed. Use the main restart Plugin selection - more fool proof.

But: Is this device on the same Wifi network? Check troubleshooters with this issue in the App in mind. Check your Indigo computer is accessible and isn’t behind a firewall Check whether can connect the accessory from other iOS device.

& Back to plugin. Would remove all published devices from the bridge unselecting the publish button and pressing save for each. & then delete bridge device. Create new one, and add single Light only and try with this, or indeed with no published device.
If there is no published device and the bridge is running, very unlikely to be plugin, more like connection issue within your network, this iPhone device.

& further Could also create a new home on any current iOS device and add accessories to that. Then can delete this ‘new home’ and move on from there.

rubinjm commented 2 years ago

Having the same issue--iOS Home app shows Connecting to Bridge then after a few minutes--"unable to add accessory; accessory is not reachable."

I tried removing published devices from bridge, deleted bridge device and created a new bridge device. Indigo shows it as operational. No errors in the Indigo log.

Indigo 2022.1.1 HLKS 0.3.2 MacOS 12.4

Ghawken commented 2 years ago

As best I can tell - this will be a HomeKit connection issue, as without errors seems unlikely to be plugin. Obviously most others are connecting fine.

Will write a FAQ somewhere for future reference:

The plugin tests port before it uses them for the Bridge (so they should be fine). If any question that might be port issue can in advanced settings change default port number add, minus hundred for example. This should NOT be issue as would give error on startup.

Basically HomeKit can’t connect to your Indigo Mac. Firewall? Network issues? Blocked particularly Ports? mDNS issue? Bonjour connection issue? iOS device issue (old IOS devices have issues)

This is pretty generic: But worthwhile reviewing.,your%20wireless%20network%20is%20down.

Ghawken commented 2 years ago

Try: “ One common error occurs after scanning the QR code. While tryin to connect for 20 seconds or so, the following error is displayed: Home couldn't connect to this accessory.

This appears to result from some cache issue in the Home app as resetting homebridge (above) does not resolve the issue. This WiFi trick appears to work however:

Reset Pairing/Accessories as described above. On your iOS device, use the Forget Network feature in your WiFi settings. Rejoin your WiFi network. Attempt to add the homebridge platforms/accessories as you normally would.


This error can also occur when [mDNS] needs to be configured, e.g. when Avanti needs to be setup on Linux.

rubinjm commented 2 years ago

Thanks--this worked!!

Reset Pairing/Accessories as described above. On your iOS device, use the Forget Network feature in your WiFi settings. Rejoin your WiFi network. Attempt to add the homebridge platforms/accessories as you normally would.

ScottEKendall commented 1 year ago

I did a complete reset of Indigo and used the new 0.6.5 plugin and that seemed to have fixed it...pretty sure it had something to do with the mDNS issue...

hishamk commented 1 year ago

I'm getting the same issue. It seems the bridges are not broadcast via mDNS. I use Avahi on my pfSense and all other services are broadcasting fine from the Indigo Mac mini. However, for the plugin, nothing seems to be broadcast (I have setup three bridges to try, still no service broadcast for the respective ports 51826, 51827, 51828). I have a _companion-link._tcp. broadcast on port 49155 but I'm not sure if that's to do with the plugin.

Any ideas?

Ghawken commented 1 year ago


Accessory not found is a pretty generic issue - in your case would guess another cause relating to network

Either mDNS isn’t leaving your Mac to be seen or it is being blocked somewhere. Companion is nothing to do with plugin

would upgrade to the latest version - specifically Introduces some changes for mDNS and network issues

failing the new version working off the bat would trial the mDNS settings starting with IPv4 only setting.

(these settings can break mDNS but nothing that can’t be fixed by setting back to original and restarting plugin)

hishamk commented 12 months ago

Thanks, I'll give the new version a try and report back.