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Request - Reset HomeBridge #19

Open Koreysherwin opened 2 years ago

Koreysherwin commented 2 years ago

How about a option in the Plugin Config to reset the Plugin so that it can be added back to the home, I was getting the following error, until I deleted the file "busy_home_350535.state" to release the pairings, might save some users a bunch of time! Thanks for your consideration! (using V0.3.8)

IMG_93583F000417-1 2

Ghawken commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the Photos


But this is specific to each Bridge only. So really would need a reset Bridge option, could have this in a menu somewhere… but if delete bridge and then run delete state files menu command would achieve the same.

Probably better documentation!

mts749 commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue, although restarting the Bridge didn't seem to work. Where did you find that file?

Ghawken commented 1 year ago

There is a menu item "delete state files". Do this after you have deleted bridge in indigo.