Ghawken / HomeKitLink-Siri

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Briefly works after plugin reset then 'No Response' #25

Closed durosity closed 1 year ago

durosity commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When opening the Home app on any device any devices published through any bridge in Indigo is saying 'No Response'. If I restart the plugin then for a moment they'll become available again, but within seconds they'll revert to 'No Response.'

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Home App' -> Wait to load

Expected behavior All devices update with current state

Screenshots image Device Information Go to Device in Indigo and Right Click "Print Device Details to Event Log" Copy and Paste Event Log details here:

`29 Dec 2022 at 22:29:53 Embedded script executor host2 started Script address : batteryLevel : None buttonGroupCount : 0 configured : True description : deviceTypeId : homeKitBridgeDevice displayStateId : Status displayStateImageSel : PowerOn displayStateValRaw : Operational displayStateValUi : Operational enabled : True energyAccumBaseTime : None energyAccumTimeDelta : None energyAccumTotal : None energyCurLevel : None errorState : folderId : 16598138 globalProps : MetaProps : (dict) com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.HomeKitLink-Siri : (dict) HomeKit_publishDevice_2 : true (bool) altName : Side Light (string) audioSelector : false (bool) bridgeUniqueID : 503716 (integer) deviceId : 1224350884 (string) deviceSensor : brightnessLevel (string) deviceSubtype : LightBulb (string) doorbellId : (string) enablePublishFields : true (bool) inverseSelector : false (bool) isDeviceSelected : true (bool) selectdevice_or_AG : device (string) showALL : true (bool) showSubtypes : true (bool) tempSelector : false (bool) id : 743167607 lastChanged : 2022-12-29 22:24:52 lastSuccessfulComm : 2022-12-29 22:24:52 model : HomeKitLink-Siri Bridge name : Lounge - HomeKitLink ownerProps : com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.HomeKitLink-Siri : (dict) HomeKit_publishDevice_2 : true (bool) altName : Side Light (string) audioSelector : false (bool) bridgeUniqueID : 503716 (integer) deviceId : 1224350884 (string) deviceSensor : brightnessLevel (string) deviceSubtype : LightBulb (string) doorbellId : (string) enablePublishFields : true (bool) inverseSelector : false (bool) isDeviceSelected : true (bool) selectdevice_or_AG : device (string) showALL : true (bool) showSubtypes : true (bool) tempSelector : false (bool) pluginId : com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.HomeKitLink-Siri pluginProps : emptyDict : (dict) protocol : Plugin remoteDisplay : True sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict) states : States : (dict) QRCode :

HomeKitLink Siri

Indigo Plugin: Scan this QR Code to add HomeKitLink Siri Bridge to HomeKit

(string) Status : Operational (string) pincode : 058-91-068 (string) uniqueID : 503716 (string) subModel : subType : supportsAllLightsOnOff : False supportsAllOff : False supportsStatusRequest : False version : None`

If Camera Stream Related Run Menu Item "Rerun ffmpeg command for logging" Copy and Paste Log details here

Additional context I'm currently on iOS 16.3 but this behaviour is also occurring on 16.2. I have updated the home to the new structure for 16.2. It was behaving itself until a couple of nights ago when it stopped working on my wife's phone, but was fine on mine, so restarted the plugin to see if that helped and that killed it on mine.

Interestingly I did get a debug log that has a whole load of http 200 messages that MAY be relevant? Here's an extract in case it's of use:

`HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Recv decrypted: b'GET /characteristics?id=9611083463477.7 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local\r\n\r\n' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: PAUSED HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: Request(method=b'GET', headers=<Headers([(b'host', b'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local')])>, target=b'/characteristics?id=9611083463477.7', http_version=b'1.1') HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: EndOfMessage(headers=<Headers([])>) HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170): Request GET for path '/characteristics?id=9611083463477.7': {'host': 'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local'} HomeKitLink Siri Debug Get chars response: [{'aid': 9611083463477, 'iid': 7, 'status': 0, 'value': ''}] HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Send encrypted: b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/hap+json\r\nContent-Length: 62\r\n\r\n{"characteristics":[{"aid":9611083463477,"iid":7,"value":""}]}' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: NEED_DATA HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Recv decrypted: b'PUT /characteristics HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local\r\nContent-Length: 64\r\nContent-Type: application/hap+json\r\n\r\n{"characteristics":[{"aid":9611081970866712,"iid":9,"ev":true}]}' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: PAUSED HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: Request(method=b'PUT', headers=<Headers([(b'host', b'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local'), (b'content-length', b'64'), (b'content-type', b'application/hap+json')])>, target=b'/characteristics', http_version=b'1.1') HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: Data(data=bytearray(b'{"characteristics":[{"aid":9611081970866712,"iid":9,"ev":true}]}'), chunk_start=False, chunk_end=False) HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: EndOfMessage(headers=<Headers([])>) HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170): Request PUT for path '/characteristics': {'host': 'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local', 'content-length': '64', 'content-type': 'application/hap+json'} HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170): Set characteristics content: {'characteristics': [{'aid': 9611081970866712, 'iid': 9, 'ev': True}]} HomeKitLink Siri Debug Subscribed client ('', 57170) to topic 9611081970866712.9 HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Send encrypted: b'HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n\r\n' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: NEED_DATA HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Recv decrypted: b'GET /characteristics?id=9611081970866712.7 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local\r\n\r\n' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: PAUSED HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: Request(method=b'GET', headers=<Headers([(b'host', b'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local')])>, target=b'/characteristics?id=9611081970866712.7', http_version=b'1.1') HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: EndOfMessage(headers=<Headers([])>) HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170): Request GET for path '/characteristics?id=9611081970866712.7': {'host': 'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local'} HomeKitLink Siri Debug Get chars response: [{'aid': 9611081970866712, 'iid': 7, 'status': 0, 'value': ''}] HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Send encrypted: b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/hap+json\r\nContent-Length: 65\r\n\r\n{"characteristics":[{"aid":9611081970866712,"iid":7,"value":""}]}' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: NEED_DATA HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Recv decrypted: b'GET /characteristics?id=961108813991841.7 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local\r\n\r\n' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: PAUSED HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: Request(method=b'GET', headers=<Headers([(b'host', b'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local')])>, target=b'/characteristics?id=961108813991841.7', http_version=b'1.1') HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: EndOfMessage(headers=<Headers([])>) HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170): Request GET for path '/characteristics?id=961108813991841.7': {'host': 'HomeKitLink\032Bridge\032961108\0329EADEB._hap._tcp.local'} HomeKitLink Siri Debug Get chars response: [{'aid': 961108813991841, 'iid': 7, 'status': 0, 'value': ''}] HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Send encrypted: b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/hap+json\r\nContent-Length: 64\r\n\r\n{"characteristics":[{"aid":961108813991841,"iid":7,"value":""}]}' HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): h11 Event: NEED_DATA

29 Dec 2022 at 22:18:51 HomeKitLink Siri Debug set_value: CurrentTemperature to 51.2 HomeKitLink Siri Debug Send event: topic(9611081358317268.9), data({'aid': 9611081358317268, 'iid': 9, 'value': 51.2}), sender_client_addr(None) HomeKitLink Siri Debug Sending event to client: ('', 57170), immediate: False HomeKitLink Siri Debug ('', 57170) (a22339fe-7f4f-40eb-98ea-3d55e8e48fb6): Send encrypted: b'EVENT/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/hap+json\r\nContent-Length: 67\r\n\r\n{"characteristics":[{"aid":9611081358317268,"iid":9,"value":51.2}]}'

29 Dec 2022 at 22:19:`

Ghawken commented 1 year ago

There is a lot of superfluous info here:

Seems like

It was working, and fine for some time, then stopped on one iPhone, whilst still working on another - and then following a restart stopped working on both?

Seem very likely this is an external event causing issues - probably not helped by 16.2 upgrade.

First instance if haven’t already - would force close Home app and restart.

Few questions: What version of HKLS plugin? Update to latest which manages 16.2 upgrade better. (check on latest, and use download code button if unsure) Single HKLS Bridge device only? (I recall you had setup multiple bridges?) If single Bridge - then likely a device breaks the bridge somewhere. May be a more difficult process of tracking down, which device by removing likely culprits and restarting bridge. (Save Config window does this). If multiple bridges and all bridges are non-responsive that is a different, new, issue…

The log above, and generally speaking the homekit Debug logging html data won’t help. Mixed in with a few lines above is an attempt to set a Temperature of some device to 51.2 At a guess that is high, and outside typical allowed range for most devices - ?what device is it

A non HomeKit Debug log may help, but typically if a device is setup wrong, or simply sends wrong data - the bridge just fails without error messages. (Like this). Other bridges should continue to work. It is possible OS16.2 is more strict across some areas than it was prior.

durosity commented 1 year ago

Apologies, meant to include a bit more information in a follow up comment but forgot to actually post it!

So this is with the latest version of the plugin v0.5.10

I've tried force reloading the home app, no joy.

It started on my wife's phone but now affects all devices, so nothing can see or control Indigo via HomeKit.

I have multiple bridges, all have the same issue.

I created a new bridge in indigo and added it to home, it has the same issue (interestingly it let me add it, but took a very long time to load like something was timing out)

I'm also using homebridge on the same server and it works fine

I've disabled the macOS firewall in case it was blocking the ports in use

I've re-ran the set attributes command but that hasn't helped

I suspect that something is blocking communication with the indigo plugin but I'm not sure of the best way to diagnose if that's the case or not. Would debug mode help with that?

durosity commented 1 year ago

Oh and the device at 51.2 was a red herring. Just a sensor that went crazy. It's now reporting the correct 18°C.

durosity commented 1 year ago

Also I've disabled communication for all of the bridges setup in indigo and enabled it for that one singular test one I created which only has one simple switch in it, still has the same issue!

Ghawken commented 1 year ago

Ok. Unfortunately not sure an easy fix.

There are a couple of case reports of others integrations using pyHAP (well one) seeing something similar - but pretty limited info and no fixes (only 3 users it would seem in this case). Given complexity may or may not be the same issue.

Likely it relates to 16.2 changes and/or 16.3+ automatic upgrades in some other homekit devices.

Welcome to PM/or email the full debug log of everything (probably just the one device bridge) and will see if anything stands out. But no sure issue will be in this log - will be in homekit devices elsewhere…

pgpappas commented 1 year ago

I hope this is what you are long for. This issue predates iOS 16.2

LIFX Logging to Indigo Event Log at the 'Debugging' level LIFX Logging to LIFX Plugin Log at the 'Debugging' level Started plugin "LIFX 2022.0.1" LIFX Debug Debugging Discovery Thread LIFX Debug Discovery Thread initialised LIFX Debug Debugging LIFX Handler Thread LIFX Debug Dequeued Discovery Command 'DISCOVERY' to process with priority: 50 LIFX Debug LIFXLAN Handler Thread initialised LIFX Debug Debugging Polling Thread LIFX LIFX device discovery starting (this can take up to 60 seconds) . . . LIFX Initialising to poll at 300.0 second intervals LIFX Debug LIFX Polling thread now running LIFX 'LIFX Controller' giving Discovery an opportunity to complete . . . LIFX Warning LIFXLAN [discover_devices] discovered an unknown LIFX device with product code: '116'. Device's MAC is 'd0:73:d5:6c:33:57' and IP Address is ''. Plugin is unable to manage this device. Please report this on the support forum. LIFX Warning LIFXLAN [discover_devices] discovered an unknown LIFX device with product code: '116'. Device's MAC is 'd0:73:d5:6c:4f:de' and IP Address is ''. Plugin is unable to manage this device. Please report this on the support forum. LIFX Warning LIFXLAN [discover_devices] discovered an unknown LIFX device with product code: '116'. Device's MAC is 'd0:73:d5:6c:50:b9' and IP Address is ''. Plugin is unable to manage this device. Please report this on the support forum. LIFX Warning LIFXLAN [discover_devices] discovered an unknown LIFX device with product code: '117'. Device's MAC is 'd0:73:d5:6e:48:3d' and IP Address is ''. Plugin is unable to manage this device. Please report this on the support forum. LIFX Warning LIFXLAN [discover_devices] discovered an unknown LIFX device with product code: '117'. Device's MAC is 'd0:73:d5:6d:f7:01' and IP Address is ''. Plugin is unable to manage this device. Please report this on the support forum. LIFX Debug FEATURES: Theater Sconce 4 - [49 {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': False, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 1500, 'max_kelvin': 6500, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False}

LIFX Debug FEATURES: Theater Sconce 2 - [49 {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': False, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 1500, 'max_kelvin': 6500, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False}

LIFX Debug FEATURES: Hall Sconce 2 - [49 {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': False, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 1500, 'max_kelvin': 6500, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False}

LIFX Error Refresh Error for LIFX device: Theater Sconce 3 MAC Address: d0:73:d5:33:06:bc IP Address: Port: 56700 Service: UDP Power: Off Location: Pappas House Group: Theater Sconces Color (HSBK): (43690, 0, 65535, 3200) Host Firmware Build Timestamp: 1665979694000000000 (2022-10-17 04:08:14 UTC) Host Firmware Build Version: 3.9 Wifi Firmware Build Timestamp: 1665979694000000000 (2022-10-17 04:08:14 UTC) Wifi Firmware Build Version: 3.9 Vendor: 1 Product: 49 (LIFX Mini Color) Version: 66055 Features: {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': False, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 1500, 'max_kelvin': 6500, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False} Current Time: 4356819313088000 (1970-02-20 10:13:39.313088 UTC) Uptime (ns): 4356819313088000 (1210.23 hours) Last Downtime Duration +/-5s (ns): 0 (0.0 hours) Wifi Signal Strength (mW): 9.999999974752427e-07 Wifi TX (bytes): 3877702633 Wifi RX (bytes): 3877702633

LIFX Debug FEATURES: Theater Sconce 1 - [49 {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': False, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 1500, 'max_kelvin': 6500, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False}

LIFX Debug FEATURES: TV Cabinet LIFX Z - [32 {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': True, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 2500, 'max_kelvin': 9000, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False}

LIFX Debug FEATURES: Theater Curtain Lights - [32 {'color': True, 'temperature': True, 'infrared': False, 'multizone': True, 'chain': False, 'matrix': False, 'min_kelvin': 2500, 'max_kelvin': 9000, 'hev': False, 'relays': False, 'buttons': False}


LIFX device discovery has completed. 7 LIFX device(s) have been detected and 6 LIFX device(s) fully discovered as follows:

Start of discovered LIFX devices list ----> 'Hall Sconce 2' [MAC d0:73:d5:32:e0:92] at IP ''. Product 49: LIFX Mini Color 'TV Cabinet LIFX Z' [MAC d0:73:d5:26:a4:c9] at IP ''. Product 32: LIFX Z 'Theater Curtain Lights' [MAC d0:73:d5:27:3b:95] at IP ''. Product 32: LIFX Z 'Theater Sconce 1' [MAC d0:73:d5:32:e2:bb] at IP ''. Product 49: LIFX Mini Color 'Theater Sconce 2' [MAC d0:73:d5:32:c0:d6] at IP ''. Product 49: LIFX Mini Color 'Theater Sconce 4' [MAC d0:73:d5:33:08:02] at IP ''. Product 49: LIFX Mini Color <---- End of discovered LIFX devices list.

LIFX . . . 'LIFX Controller' initialization now completed. LIFX Starting 'Hall Cabinet LIFX Z' . . . LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Hall Cabinet LIFX Z to LIFX device type 'LIFX Z' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Z' device: 'Hall Cabinet LIFX Z'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Hall Cabinet LIFX Z' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Hall Sconce 1' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Hall Cabinet LIFX Z: Power=65535, Hue=0, Saturation=65535, Brightness=32898, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Hall Sconce 1 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Hall Sconce 1'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Hall Sconce 1' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Hall Sconce 2' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Hall Sconce 1: Power=0, Hue=42779, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Previously matched 'Hall Sconce 2 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Hall Sconce 2'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Hall Sconce 2' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Cabinets LIFX Z' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Hall Sconce 2: Power=0, Hue=42779, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Cabinets LIFX Z to LIFX device type 'LIFX Z' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Z' device: 'Kitchen Cabinets LIFX Z'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Cabinets LIFX Z' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 1' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Cabinets LIFX Z: Power=65535, Hue=19114, Saturation=65535, Brightness=32767, Kelvin=4000 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 1 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 1'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 1' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 10' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 1: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 10 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 10'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 10' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 2' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 10: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 2 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 2'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 2' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 3' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 2: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 3 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 3'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 3' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 4' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 3: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 4 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 4'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 4' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 5' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 4: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 5 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 5'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 5' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 6' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 5: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 6 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 6'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 6' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 7' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 6: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 7 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 7'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 7' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 8' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 7: Power=0, Hue=45695, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 8 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 8'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 8' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Ceiling 9' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 8: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Ceiling 9 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Kitchen Ceiling 9'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Ceiling 9' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Sconce 1' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Ceiling 9: Power=0, Hue=45694, Saturation=0, Brightness=1966, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Sconce 1 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Kitchen Sconce 1'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Sconce 1' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Sconce 2' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Sconce 1: Power=65535, Hue=42779, Saturation=65535, Brightness=33095, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Sconce 2 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Kitchen Sconce 2'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Sconce 2' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Kitchen Sconce 3' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Sconce 2: Power=65535, Hue=42779, Saturation=65535, Brightness=32833, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Kitchen Sconce 3 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Kitchen Sconce 3'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Kitchen Sconce 3' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Living Room TV Cabinet LIFX Z' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Kitchen Sconce 3: Power=65535, Hue=42779, Saturation=65535, Brightness=32905, Kelvin=3500 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Previously matched 'Living Room TV Cabinet LIFX Z to LIFX device type 'LIFX Z' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Z' device: 'Living Room TV Cabinet LIFX Z'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Living Room TV Cabinet LIFX Z' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Parrot Bathroom' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Living Room TV Cabinet LIFX Z: Power=65535, Hue=18750, Saturation=65535, Brightness=32898, Kelvin=4000 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Parrot Bathroom to LIFX device type 'LIFX Z' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Z' device: 'Parrot Bathroom'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Parrot Bathroom' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Ceiling 1' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Parrot Bathroom: Power=65535, Hue=0, Saturation=65535, Brightness=25951, Kelvin=4000 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 65535 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: True LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: on LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Theater Ceiling 1 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Theater Ceiling 1'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Ceiling 1' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Ceiling 2' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Ceiling 1: Power=0, Hue=45696, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Theater Ceiling 2 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Theater Ceiling 2'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Ceiling 2' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Ceiling 3' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Ceiling 2: Power=0, Hue=45696, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Theater Ceiling 3 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Theater Ceiling 3'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Ceiling 3' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Ceiling 4' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Ceiling 3: Power=0, Hue=45696, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Theater Ceiling 4 to LIFX device type 'LIFX BR30' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX BR30' device: 'Theater Ceiling 4'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Ceiling 4' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Curtain Lights' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Ceiling 4: Power=0, Hue=45696, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Previously matched 'Theater Curtain Lights to LIFX device type 'LIFX Z' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Z' device: 'Theater Curtain Lights'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Curtain Lights' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Sconce 1' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Curtain Lights: Power=0, Hue=43691, Saturation=65535, Brightness=39321, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Previously matched 'Theater Sconce 1 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Theater Sconce 1'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Sconce 1' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Sconce 2' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Sconce 1: Power=0, Hue=43690, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Previously matched 'Theater Sconce 2 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Theater Sconce 2'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Sconce 2' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Sconce 3' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Sconce 2: Power=0, Hue=43690, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Newly matched 'Theater Sconce 3 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Theater Sconce 3'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Sconce 3' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Starting 'Theater Sconce 4' . . . LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Sconce 3: Power=0, Hue=43690, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off LIFX Debug Previously matched 'Theater Sconce 4 to LIFX device type 'LIFX Mini Color' LIFX . . . Started 'LIFX LIFX Mini Color' device: 'Theater Sconce 4'. LIFX Debug Dequeued lifxlanHandler Command 'STATUS' for device 'Theater Sconce 4' to process with priority: 500 LIFX Debug HANDLE '1029' MESSAGE for Theater Sconce 4: Power=0, Hue=43690, Saturation=0, Brightness=65535, Kelvin=3200 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = Power: 0 LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onState: False LIFX Debug LIGHT_STATE = onOffState: off

Peter Pappas 1910 Botree Court Port Orange, Florida 32128

(386) 295-1819 @.***

On Dec 30, 2022, at 4:21 PM, Ghawken @.***> wrote:

Ok. Unfortunately not sure an easy fix.

There are a couple of case reports of others integrations using pyHAP (well one) seeing something similar - but pretty limited info and no fixes (only 3 users it would seem in this case). Given complexity may or may not be the same issue.

Likely it relates to 16.2 changes and/or 16.3+ automatic upgrades in some other homekit devices.

Welcome to PM/or email the full debug log of everything (probably just the one device bridge) and will see if anything stands out. But no sure issue will be in this log - will be in homekit devices elsewhere…

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Ghawken commented 1 year ago

Sorry - not sure you have posted in the correct thread. But who are you? and what is your issue? Posted is a LIFX Debug log which has nothing to do with this issue. I think you meant to post this in the LIFX issue (not sure how you got here though…)

A general HKLS bridge not responsive issue has a number of causes (vast majority are user error with setup of devices).

durosity commented 1 year ago

Hmm ya know I'm not 100% sure it's the plugin or HomeKit that's causing the issue. Now this may be complete coincidence but I've just noticed my android tablet running domopad is not able to connect either.

Any thoughts on how I could identify if is actually able to connect to the bridge instance on my Mac mini, or what could possibly be blocking it? This would at least prove or disprove my theory.

durosity commented 1 year ago

Fixed the problem by just deleting the home and starting afresh. It dawned on me that after the upgrade old pre 16.2 devices could still control the home.. clearly the upgrade went badly wrong! Reset, re-added, now all working perfectly and WAY faster than it used to be!