Ghawken / HomeKitLink-Siri

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Feature Request: Toggle send command to device even if already set #27

Open durosity opened 1 year ago

durosity commented 1 year ago

Howdy! I've got a request which would be a per device setting. Some devices I want HKLS to send commands to even if the state is already the state it's in, others I want it to ignore if Indigo already has it marked in that state.

The reason I want this is that I have a few devices where the status doesn't always update correctly, so I always want HKSL to instruct indigo to send the command to the device again because it's probably out of sync.

Other devices I have work on a toggle system where I don't want it to send it again because it'll cause its status in Indigo to be out of sync with the real world status (I hate these devices but I've got quite a few like this and I can't afford to replace them yet)

If there was a toggle on the device config to re-send the state even if indigo already thinks it's in that position that'd make things so much better!

Thanks for listening 😊