Ghawken / HomeKitLink-Siri

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Accessory Not Found Error #31

Open SakladSR opened 10 months ago

SakladSR commented 10 months ago

When attempting to add HKBS to Home app, I get repeated errors.

I've tried all of the potential fixes for this problem that are listed in the Indigo forum and in this repository without benefit. Next step might be to delete the Apple Home from my Apple TV, but I don't have all of the device codes to add them back without digging all of the devices out (most are wall switches).

What are my next steps?

Log from Indigo is quite uninformative in my opinion, but here it is:

Sep 4, 2023 at 19:03:58
   Z-Wave                          received "Office Motion (Zooz)" status update is on
   Trigger                         Motion Office Zooz
   Z-Wave                          received "Entry Motion" status update is off
   Z-Wave                          received "Entry Motion" status update battery level 5%
   Trigger                         Battery Entry
   Trigger                         Battery Hall, Back Motion
   HomeKitLink Siri                Set Logging to DEBUG
   Z-Wave                          received "Breakfast Room Temperature" sensor update to 74.65 °F
   HomeKitLink Siri Debug          ( Found a Sensor value, using that
   Z-Wave                          received "Breakfast Room Humidity" sensor update to 45.97%
   Z-Wave                          received "Breakfast Room Luminance" sensor update to 8.00%
   HomeKitLink Siri Debug          ( Found a Sensor value, using that

Sep 4, 2023 at 19:05:00
   Schedule                        Update Garage Door Status to Closed
   Schedule                        Weather Update
   Trigger                         Weather Update
   Sent INSTEON                    "PowerLinc Interface" off (scene 10 - Toggle Keypad 4D for Garage Door Status)
   Sent INSTEON                    "Primary Bedroom Fan Lights (Keypad; Dual Band)" off (scene 10 cleanup)
   Sent INSTEON                    "Kitchen Lights" off (scene 10 cleanup)
   Sent INSTEON                    "Hall, Front Light (Secondary)" off (scene 10 cleanup)

Sep 4, 2023 at 19:06:20
   Z-Wave                          received "Office Motion (Zooz)" status update is off

Everything was working previously. I was on vacation and Indigo quit and I updated the Mac software to 13.5.1 and Indigo was no longer connected to HomeKit.

Ghawken commented 10 months ago

Ok. From the title - I presume you are getting 'Accessory Not found' somewhere? Additionally I would presume you are getting this error on the Home App when you try to add a HomeKitLink Bridge to the Home app?

I've tried all of the potential fixes for this problem that are listed in the Indigo forum and in this repository without benefit. Next step might be to delete the Apple Home from my Apple TV, but I don't have all of the device codes to add them back without digging all of the devices out (most are wall switches).

I can't follow what you are saying here. Why would you delete the Home app from appletv? and why would you need device codes? (presumably these must be non-Indigo Home related??)

From the logging above - as you say not much is recorded, but you have just set logging to DEBUG 1 minute prior to the log. Except to say you seem to have a least one HKLS bridge that appears to be communicating, or at least trying to communicating.

All presumptions aside, If you are getting Accessory Not Found when trying to add HKLS Bridge.
You can try resetting the bridge (as per the accessory already found message) You need to reset the Bridge from HomeKitLink Siri (in the plugin config) and make sure bridge is deleted from Home. You then restart the plugin for good measure And then re-try adding with QR code (making sure on the same network)

Logging wise. Need to set to Debug logging. And then restart the Plugin to get the proper, full log details. Welcome to post those here (in CODE tags so can be read). & see here:

Have you tried all these: What does the discovery app show - can you see the HomeKit tap ? If not seen then some firewall or other has been re-enabled when you upgraded.

hap67 commented 8 months ago

Having the same issue, but wanted to share I discovered something (although haven't gotten it fully worked out yet).

For you iOS device you are trying to add the Bridge. I had to disable Private Wi-Fi Address option. Suddenly the bridge popped up (I also used manual IP address assignment as I have a /23 network (512 addresses).

Popped up briefly in Home, said it was an uncertified device, connect anyway? and then vanished. Encouraging that it suddenly showed up though.

EDIT: Restarted Server, Reset Bridge and then Home found it. I must have hit cancel the first time. I think the key is to disable the tracking options in your wifi device to at least get it added.

I did a couple of other things like:

Ghawken commented 8 months ago

Accessory Not Found - is a hugely non-specific, broad error.

The issue you describe here is most likely related to mDNS settings and the ability to be discovered across your various networks/wired/wireless.

Most have private wifi networks enabled with no problems.

Specific wifi networks are also cached on icloud - which is why the forget wifi settings seems to help in some situations.

See summary here: